Wire Properties

This topic explains the options in the Wire properties dialog box.

To access the Wire properties, right-click a wire and click Wire properties .

This data comes from the Equipotential Properties that the wire belongs to, which is generated by the wire style properties. If you modify the wire style or equipotential properties, the changes automatically pass on to the wire properties. If you modify the mark and properties of the wire, the changes only affect the wire specified in the command.


SOLIDWORKS Electrical uses the wire numbering to calculate the wire mark automatically, or you can enter the wire number manually using the wire mark editor.
Option Description
Mode If you select Automatic, SOLIDWORKS Electrical uses the configuration settings to calculate the mark. If you select Manual, you must enter the mark manually in the Mark setting.
Mark Displays the automatic mark or lets you enter the manual mark.


Option Description
Diameter Lets you enter the diameter of the wire.
Section or gauge Lets you enter the section of the wire.
Wire size standard Lets you select the standard used in the electrical project.
Color Lets you specify the color of the wire. 3D routing uses this color.
Bend radius factor Lets you enter the bend radius factor. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value. It is used to calculate the bend radius.
Bend radius (bend radius factor X Diameter) This value is automatically calculated using the bend radius factor and the diameter. You can change this value. The cable 3D routing uses this value.
Linear mass Lets you specify the wire's linear weight (density) for wires with different units of weight (kg/km, g/m) and distribute the weight of wire along its length. This lets you calculate the center of gravity in a 3D assembly.
Signal Lets you enter the signal conveyed by the wire.


Option Description
Path Displays the name of the ducts that route the wire. Conditions associated with the duct path are:
  • Create one separated component for each duct.
  • The duct part must contain an EW_PATH axis (or sketch). When the wire is following this axis, the wire duct path lists the duct.
  • Segregation is not required. It helps to ensure that the wire goes along the intended path.
  • Use Calculate cable duct filling ratio to calculate the wire duct path. It is not updated during the routing process.
Harness Click ... to add the wire to a harness.
Length Specifies the wire length. This value updates automatically when the wire is routed within the 3D layout.

Associated Data

Option Description
Wire style Displays the wire style.
Equipotential Indicates the equipotential number associated with this wire.
Cabling order Displays the wire cabling order line number.
Origin Displays the mark of the component connected to the wire's origin.
Destination Displays the mark of the component connected to the wire's destination.
Cable core If the wire is associated with a cable core, it indicates the cable mark and the cable core mark. If this wire represents a bridge, the icon changes to represent the bridge.

User Data

Lets you enter all the information required to manage the equipotential. Click Customize to access user data management.