Cable Properties

This topic explains the options of the Cable Properties.

To open Cable Properties, click Cable Reference Management > Properties, Cable Reference Management > New Reference, or Cable Reference Management > Multiple Insertion .


Option Description
Reference Code identifying the reference.
Manufacturer Name of the brand or manufacturer of the cable.
Class The class to which the cable belongs. Click ... and then select a class in the dialog box to modify the class to which the cable belongs.
Article Number Internal information managed by the user. It is used when you have your own cable stock management.
External ID The External ID is used to link an element with the corresponding one in an external application.
Library Select the library in which the cable reference is located.
Family Select or create a new family to put the cable reference into.
Standard The cable standard.
Series Often, the cable references are grouped by series.
Description The cable description. The description is available in all languages by clicking the specific icon.


Option Description
Supplier name Enter the supplier name.
Stock number Enter the stock number to the supplier.


Option Description
Creator Displays the origin of the object.
  • System: provided with the software installation
  • User: created by a user
  • Modified system: provided with the software installation and modified by the user
Created By Displays the name of the user who created the object.
Creation Date Displays the date of the creation of the object.
Modified By Displays the name of the user who modified the object.
Modification Date Displays the date of the modification of the object.

Cable characteristics

Option Description
Type The type of cable
Size standard The system unit to use.
Length The length of the cable for a prefabricated cable.
Diameter The diameter of the cable. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value.
In SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic, when you create a cable and define its parameters, the software warns you if:
  • Any of the conductor's diameter exceeds the cable diameter.
  • The collective diameters of the cores of a cable exceed the diameter of the cable.
In the dialog box, you can:
  • Click Continue to save the values and proceed. The Cable reference properties dialog box then closes.
  • Click Cancel to return to the Cable reference properties dialog box to rectify the cable diameter or the diameter of the cores to make it within the permissible limits of the defined cable diameter.
Color The color of the cable.
Bend radius factor The value of the bend radius factor. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value. It is used to calculate the bend radius.
Bend radius (Bend radius factor X Diameter) This value is automatically calculated using the bend radius factor and the diameter. You can change it if necessary.
Linear mass The linear mass is the ratio between the mass and the length of the cable. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value.
Voltage drop (V/A/km) Enter the drop voltage of the cable. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value or you can calculate it.


These options are used to initialize the properties of a new conductor.

Option Description
Conductor section (mm2) The section of the cable cores.
Conductor diameter The value for the conductor diameter. Click to calculate this automatically according to the Conductor section value.

User Data

This section is available if the ERP connection is not activated. It displays the user data associated with the cable reference.

ERP Data

This section is available if the ERP connection is activated. You can enter specific values in the user data fields. This information can be used to update your personal database.

Cable Cores

This tab helps to manage the definitions of the cores that constitute the cable.

Option Description
Add Adds a core at the end of the list.
Insert Adds a core above the selected element.
Delete Deletes the selected cores.
Group or Ungroup Groups or ungroups the selected cable cores (pairs).

You can reorganize the cable core order using the arrows (up and down).