Edits the component. For more information, see Component Properties. |
Adds virtual circuits to the component. For more
information, see Circuit Management. |
Edits the terminal strips. For more information, see
Terminal Strip Editor. |
Adds terminals to the terminal strip. |
Add a cable
Adds a new cable. For more information, see Adding Cables |
Core reservation
Opens the cable and core reservation dialog box. For
more information, see Reserving Cables. |
Select a new cable in the cable catalog to replace
the selected cable. The new cable must have at least as many cores
as the one being replaced. |
Connects a cable core when both a device and cable core are
selected. |
Associate wires
Connects automatically cable core when the
selected cable is consistent with the cable-less wires. |
Uncable this end
Disconnects the selected cable cores. |
Disconnect cores  |
Disconnects the selected cores on either
side. |
Switches the cable core between the origin and the
destination. |
Wire Style
Changes the wire style associated with the
selected cable core. |
See sub-components
Displays only the nested components marks. |
See only components |
Shows only the components (Hides
subcomponents). |
Displays or hides the Origin and Destination
viewing windows. |
Reserved Cores only
Shows only reserved cores. |
Cable core linking
components |
Shows only cable cores that currently form a
link. |
All cores |
Shows all the cores. |