Reports and Design Rules Management

A report is a list useful for production or manufacturing, such as a list of equipment or cables.

A design rule is a list for extracting data that does not satisfy basic design rules for an electrical scheme, such as a list of symbols without manufacturer parts or a list of nonconnected wires.

The Management dialog boxes for reports and design rules are based on the same features and are managed in the same way.

To access reports Management, do one of the following:
  • Click Electrical project > Reports .
  • In the dockable panel, right-click an electrical project and click Electrical project > Report management .
To access Design rule Management, do one of the following:
  • Click Electrical project > Design rule check .
  • In the dockable panel, right-click an electrical project and click : Electrical project > Design rule management .

Reports retrieve data stored in the electrical project database. The data is generated in the form of drawings or exported to different file formats such as Excel or text files that you can access outside SOLIDWORKS Electrical.

The reports are based on report configurations that provide layout and formatting data. SOLIDWORKS Electrical has a number of standard configurations, and you can create your own.

Report management or Design rule management let you manage the reports you want to use in the electrical project. The left-hand side of the dialog box displays the list of report configurations used in the electrical project. The right-hand side displays the results of the selected report.
Option Description
Add. Lets you add a new report configuration in the electrical project.

Add similar. Lets you add a new and similar report configuration in the electrical project.

Delete. Removes the selected reports.
Properties. Edits the selected report configuration.
Schedule. Lets you manage the order in which the reports are generated.
Update. Updates the data of the report.
Add filter. Opens the Filter edition dialog box to create a new filter.
Edit filter. Opens the Filter edition dialog box to manage filters.
Generate drawings. Generates or updates the report drawings.
Excel export. Exports the electrical project data to a Microsoft Excel file using the report configurations.
Txt export. Exports the electrical project data to a text file using the report configurations.
XML export. Exports the electrical project data to an XML file using the report configurations.
Book Lets you filter the report preview on the selected book.
Data row Specify the number of records that you want to display on the report preview.
Break condition Select this option to display the Sort and break column on the report preview. This column is generated in the report drawings.