Add. Lets you add a new report
configuration in the electrical project. Add
similar. Lets you add a new and similar
report configuration in the electrical project.
Delete. Removes the selected
reports. |
Properties. Edits the selected report
configuration. |
Schedule. Lets you manage the order in
which the reports are generated. |
Update. Updates the data of the
report. |
Add filter. Opens the Filter
edition dialog box to create a new
filter. |
Edit filter. Opens the
Filter edition dialog box to manage
filters. |
Generate drawings. Generates or
updates the report drawings. |
Excel export. Exports the electrical
project data to a Microsoft Excel file using the report
configurations. |
Txt export. Exports the electrical
project data to a text file using the report
configurations. |
XML export. Exports the electrical
project data to an XML file using the report
configurations. |
Book |
Lets you filter the report preview on the selected
book. |
Data row |
Specify the number of records that you want to display on the
report preview. |
Break condition |
Select this option to display the Sort and break column on
the report preview. This column is generated in the report
drawings. |