Creating Text

You can add a single line of text into a document.

  1. Click Draw > Add text .
  2. In the Create text dialog box, the following options are available:
    Option Description
    Text Enter the text string to insert in the current file. The text must not be empty.
    Text option
    • Justify. Specifies the text justification.
    • Text style. Specifies the text style. Click Text style management to access the text style definition.
    • Rotation. Specifies the rotation angle. Select Specify later to set the rotation angle when you insert text in the graphical area.
    • Height. Specifies the text height. Select Specify later to specify the text height when you insert text in the graphics area.
    • Inclined angle. Specifies the angle value (in degrees) for oblique text.
    • Width factor. Maintains the text height if you enlarge the text.
    • Upside down. Inserts the text with a vertical mirror.
    • Backward. Inserts the text with a horizontal mirror.
    Insertion point Specifies the text coordinates. Select Specify later to specify the insertion point when you insert text in the graphic area.
    Unlike text added to a document with the multilingual text insertion command, text added with Draw > Add text does not appear in the electrical project database.