Drawing Hatches

You can draw a hatch using the Hatch command.

Do not use hatches for generating electrical schematics. They are not managed by the electrical project database.
  1. Click Draw > Hatch .
  2. In the Hatches dialog box, specify the following options for filling the area between or inside drawing entities with selected hatch patterns:
    Option Description
    Select objects Select the objects that define the area outline to hatch.
    Type Select a Pre-defined pattern or Defined by the user.
    Pattern Select the pattern type. Available only if Pre-defined is selected.
    Color Select the pattern color.
    Angle Select the pattern angle.
    Scale Select the pattern scale. Available only if Pre-defined is selected.
    Spacing Enter the distance between two lines. Available only if Defined by the user is selected.
    Double Select if you want to add perpendicular hatches. Available only if Defined by the user is selected.
  3. Click OK.
    The hatches are generated.