Drawing Polylines

You can draw a succession of line segments or arcs to define a polyline.

The set of lines or arcs forms a single entity. A polyline can have a specified thickness. The second point of the first entity corresponds to the first point of the second entity.
Do not use polylines for generating electrical schematics. They are not managed by the electrical project database.
  1. Click Draw > Polyline .
  2. In the dockable panel, the following options are available:
    Option Description
    Ends the command.
    Undoes the last action.
    Keyboard inputs Lets you enter X and Y coordinates separated by a comma (for example, 150,125), a distance and an angle separated by "<" (for example, 150<45), or relative coordinates from the previous point (for example, @10,150).
    Line Lets you draw a line segment based on the last point of the last entity drawn.
    Arc Lets you draw an arc based on the last point of the last entity drawn. Select the arc placement Options at the bottom of the panel.
    Width Lets you set a specific thickness for the next entity. This thickness is used on all the next entities.
    Close The last point of the last entity corresponds to the first point of the first entity and creates a closed area.