Inserting a Multiple Wire

You can draw a wire that contains multiple wires within it, and specify the style.

  1. Click Schematic > Draw multiple wire .

    The panel opens and updates to show the selected wire parameters.

  2. Click on the graphical area where you want the wire to start.
  3. Click a second point to indicate where you want the wire to end.
    The following options are displayed.
    Pins the command, ensuring that it remains active after it is first used.
    Stops the command after you leave the panel.
    Ends the command.
    Returns to the previous interface.
    Undoes the last action.
  4. Wire style selection offers the following options.
    Option Description
    Name Lets you change the wire style by clicking ... to the right of the wire name and selecting a wire style in the Wire style selector .
    Space between lines Lets you modify the distance between the wires. The value is in millimeters or inches, depending on your electrical project settings. For more information, see the unit system in the electrical project configuration settings.
    Available wires Lists the type of conductors that make up the currently selected wire style. Select the conductor boxes that you want to draw.
  5. Use the following keyboard commands to invert phases, insert bends, and specify an orthogonal axis.
    Option Description
    Invert phase Press the spacebar to invert the conductors.
    Draw bend Press C on the keyboard to insert bend.
    Draw non-ortho Press F8 on the keyboard to deactivate the lock. This lets you insert the wires on an orthogonal axis.