Creating Origin-Destination Arrows Automatically You can instruct SOLIDWORKS Electrical to automatically generate origin-destination arrows between wires with the same number. A specific symbol and configurable text string appears at the end of the wire according to the electrical project configuration. The arrows generated by this command are automatic origin-destination arrows. Click Schematic > Manage origin – destination arrows > Automatic insertion . The following Selection commands are available: Option Description Whole project Processes all wires in the electrical project. Current book Processes the drawing in the current book. Selected in the scheme Processes the selected wires. Choose schemes Opens the drawing selector to let you select drawings. Specify the following Automatic insertion mode options as required to manage the symbols representing incoming and outgoing origin and destination symbols. Option Description Opens the symbol selector to select a symbol. Removes the symbol. Opens the symbol editor to modify it. Connect when location is exactly the same Connects the wires when the locations of both drawings are the same. Connect when parent location is the same Connects the wires when the locations of both drawings have a common parent or the same location. Connect even if location is different Connects the wires regardless of the location in both drawings. Connect only equipotential with manual mark Connects the wires that are in manual mode and have identical equipotential marks. Connect all equipotential with the same mark Connects the wires that have identical equipotential marks. Specify the following Action options as required. Option Description Autoconnect Generates origin-destination arrows automatically. Reconnect Updates existing origin-destination arrows according to the operations performed in the scheme. Remove arrows Removes all origin-destination arrows for the selection. The Also include manual arrows option lets you process manual origin-destination arrows as well. Parent topicInserting Wires