Insert Origin-Destination Symbol

You can manually insert Origin - Destination arrow symbols at the end of the wires. You associate a group number with each inserted symbol. All the wires connected on the same group number have the same equipotential number.

  1. Click Schematic > Manage origin - destination arrows > Insert a single Origin - Destintion arrow symbol.
  2. Select the type of the symbol.
    Option Description
    Origin symbol
    Destination symbol
  3. To change the displayed symbol, click Other symbol. The symbol selector opens allowing you to select a new symbol.
  4. Select the correct orientation.
  5. Insert the symbol in the graphical area, at the end of a wire.
  6. Select the option:
    • Create new group

      You create a new group. This group can be used for the next use.

    • Select existing group

      You reuse an existing group.

  7. In the Search Component dialog box, select the required group.
The connected wires using the same group have the same equipotential or wire number.