Importing the Template

You can reimport the filled Excel file that you created earlier using the Create new file for import command. You can only import new data.

To import the Excel file:

  1. Click Library > Cable reference management .
  2. In Cable reference management, click Import > Import Excel file .
  3. In the Open dialog box, select the Excel file to import and click Open.
  4. In the Cable references import dialog box, do the following:
    • Click Select file to open the Open dialog box and select the Excel file to import. Excel import file displays the path of the imported Excel file.
    • Under Format selection and separator, for Row format, choose from:
      • One line per cable core
      • One line per reference
        For Cable core separator, choose from:
        • Colon ':'
        • Line break
        • Pipe '|'
        • Semi colon ';'
        This option appears only if you select One line per reference for Row format.
    • Under File preview, the preview of the imported file appears.
    • Click Compare to simulate cable reference import. A log file is created with the same name as the Excel file. If there are errors, you can open the Excel sheet and rectify the errors.
    • Click Open to open the selected Excel file for editing.
    • Click Import to import the manufacturer cable reference to the library.