Creating Custom Motor or Force Profiles You can create custom motor or force profiles with the Function Builder. To create a new motor or force profile, from a Motion Analysis study: Open the PropertyManager:Click Force to create a new force profile. Click Motor to create a new motor profile. Configure the options. For Type, select one of the following: Option Description Segments Defines profile from piecewise continuous functions of time or cycle angle. Data Points Defines profile from an interpolated data set as a function of time, cycle angle, or motion study results. Expression Defines profile as mathematical expression of time, cycle angle, or motion study results. The Function Builder appears. Specify options for the selected function type and click OK to close the Function Builder. Click . Contents Defining Piecewise Continuous Profiles from Segments From the Function Builder, you can define custom motor or force profiles as piecewise continuous functions of an independent variable, time or cycle angle. Defining Profiles by Importing or Manually Entering Data Points From the Function Builder, you can define motor or force profiles from interpolated samples of a function of time or cycle angle. Defining Profiles from Mathematical Expressions From the Function Builder, you can define motor or force profiles from expressions combining functions of time, existing results, or cycle angle. Parent topicMotor and Force Profiles Function Builder