Notification of Updated Status When Opening Files

When the system opens 3DEXPERIENCE files from your computer, the message bar notifies you about the new updates to the files on the platform.

Save Status

When the system opens 3DEXPERIENCE files from your computer, the message bar notifies you about the new updates to the files on the platform.

When you refresh MySession, if any files have newer updates available on the platform, an orange dot on the cloud icon and a tooltip alert you in the title bar. You can select to show the outdated components or reload them from the server.

Revision Status

When the system opens individual or multiple 3DEXPERIENCE assembly files from your computer, and where one or more components of the assembly have newer revisions on the platform, message bars notify you about the new revisions available on the platform.

For files with revisions, you can update the revisions in the Update Revisions dialog box.

To see this functionality, in MySession, on the action bar, click Tools > Options > Open and select Refresh MySession after opening files. Some scenarios might require a manual refresh of MySession.