Open Model in Position When you open a part or subassembly from an assembly or drawing document, you can open the model in the same view position and orientation as seen in the assembly or drawing view. Do one of the following: In a drawing, to open a model in position, right-click the part or subassembly in the FeatureManager design tree or the graphics area and select Open Assembly In Position or Open Part In Position from the context toolbar. In an assembly, left-click or right-click the part or subassembly in the FeatureManager design tree or the graphics area and select Open Assembly In Position or Open Part In Position from the context toolbar. Parent topicOpening Documents Displaying Document Open Time in File Explorer Opening Existing Part, Assembly, or Drawing Documents Open Dialog Box Opening and Editing Non-SOLIDWORKS CAD Data Notification of Updated Status When Opening Files Opening Part Configurations in Quick View Mode Dismissing All Prompts for Missing Components Multi-Threaded Retrieval Opening Auto-Recovered Documents Opening Document Copies