Save to 3DEXPERIENCE Dialog Box

You can save the files to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform using the Save Active Window and Save as New commands available in the action bar of MySession. Also, you can save the files using the Save, Save with Options, and Save as New commands available on an object's shortcut menu.

The Save to 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box lists the files that you have selected for the save operation. When a file is locked by another user, you cannot save that file in a revision. (This is not applicable for first save or save as new revision.)

You can save the data even if the CGRs are not generated. When all the conditions for the save operation are satisfied immediately the Save command is active. The progress bar shows the save progress while the CGR generation continues in the background.


Column Name Description
Type Displays an icon of the corresponding file.
File Name File name on local disk.
SWTitle Displays the title name of the object added using the Rename command of SOLIDWORKS. If there is no display name, the file name appears as a display name.

For the objects that are new and not yet saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, you can change its title. The title is editable if the Use Business Logic to define Physical Product Title and Auto-Name options on the Settings page are disabled.

Save Select this check box to save the object.
Status The status of an object can be one of the following. Based on the status, the save operation is enabled or disabled.
  • New/ Modified: The file is ready for save.
  • Not Modified: This file is not modified.
    If the file is not modified, but the New Revision check box is selected, the Save check box gets enabled. In this case, the file is eligible for the save operation.
  • Warning/ Error: Based on one of the following warning or error status of a file, the save operation progresses.
    • : Indicates a warning, does not block the save process.
    • : Indicates an error, blocks the save process.
If there is more than one status message associated with an object, the total number of messages are displayed in the status column for that particular object. These messages are listed in an ascending order of their severity and appear as a tooltip message.
Refer to the below table for different errors or warnings.
Bookmark Displays the bookmark assigned to the respective object. The Bookmark column is empty in one of the following cases:
  • If the object is not saved in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  • If a new revision of the object is selected in the Save dialog box.
  • A bookmark is not assigned.
The display style of tooltips varies according to the bookmark classification:
  • If a bookmark is already classified, the column, and the tooltip is shown in regular text.
  • If multiple bookmarks are already classified, the bookmarks are listed in alphabetical order in the tooltip, and in regular text. The bookmark listed first, has three dots appended to the name. For example, bookmark1....
  • If a new bookmark is assigned to an object that does not have a bookmark, the column and the tooltip show the bookmark in bold text.
  • For an object with multiple bookmarks already classified, a new bookmark assigned is displayed in bold text with three dots appended to the name. For example, bookmark1.... In the tooltip, the new bookmark is displayed in bold on top, and the existing bookmarks are displayed in an alphabetical order, in regular text underneath.
Revision Revision from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform that is open in SOLIDWORKS.
New Revision Select this check box to create a new revision (not available for first save).
Revision Comment Displays the revision comment added for the object. The Revision Comment field is editable when the Save or New Revision check box for an object is selected. Double-clicking the revision comment cell enables the editing option for that revision comment. The shortcut menu provides two options:
  • Copy Revision Comment: Copies the revision comment of that particular row.
  • Paste Revision Comment: Pastes the copied revision comment for a single or multiple rows.
The revision comment is also editable from the properties page of an object.
  • When an object is associated with multiple physical products, the Revision Comment column displays the revision comment of the family to which the object belongs.
  • The virtual components receive the revision comment added for the parent object, but it is not visible in the Revision Comment column. Also, this field is not editable.
  • For mono configuration objects, Revision Comment column displays the revision comment of the physical product.
  • If new configurations are created in a structure, the revision comment of the family object is applied to these configurations.
Maturity State Lifecycle state of the family, for example: In Work, Frozen.
Collaborative Space Displays the name of the collaborative space that the object belongs to or will belong to. If there are multiple organizations belonging to a common collaborative space, the name of the organization is also displayed along with the collaborative space.
Lock Status Displays the first and last name of the user that has locked the corresponding family in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Owner User who is responsible for the file in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Description Displays the description information as present in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
If you change the description attribute from the Properties, the updated description is seen only when you save the object in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Creation Date The 3DEXPERIENCE platform creation date.
Modification Date The 3DEXPERIENCE platform modification date.
CAD Format Shows the status icon of the CAD Format for an object.
Set CAD Format With this option, you can set CAD Format for a 3DEXPERIENCE platform assembly. When you select the Set CAD Format option, the New Revision option for that object is activated. To cancel or change the CAD format, you can either clear the Set CAD Format option or the New Revision option.
Name Automatic number string computed by the server.
Title Name of the family (without the file extension).
If you change the title attribute from the Properties, the updated title is seen only when you save the object in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Table 1. Warning and Error Messages
Warning/ Error Description
Referenced file not found This warning is coupled with the Save files with missing references option on the Settings page of the Platform Management widget. It appears when the corresponding product structure has missing references. The missing references are ignored for the first save, but later the save is blocked. The blocked condition displays Missing References error. Using the elaborated error description in the tooltip, you can unblock the save process.
Material not found The materials applied are not found in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Lock required The file is updated, but not locked for save. Lock the file to save the changes.
Not selected for save The file is changed, but not selected for save. Select the file to save the changes.
Incompatible property value This warning appears when the values of the SOLIDWORKS properties do not match with the attribute definition on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. On clicking the warning, the complete issue description is visible.
If you save with warnings, the uncompliant SOLIDWORKS properties are not propagated to the server.
SW Title not unique The file title is not unique and required renaming. This warning appears if the Check file Title for uniqueness option is chosen on the Settings page of the Platform Management widget.
Trailing spaces detected The file name contains spaces at the end of the file name.
Excluded configuration detected The file uses excluded configurations.
Referenced file not found This error is related to the Save files with missing references option on the Settings page of the Platform Management widget. If the Save files with missing references option is off, the files cannot be saved. To unblock save, update the references or delete the relation to the references.
Incompatible geometry detected The file does not have SOLIDWORKS geometry and cannot be saved to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Locked by <user> The file is modified and is locked by other user.
Locked by action <user> The file cannot be saved as it is locked by work under action.
File is being saved by the asynchronous batch utility The file is being saved through an asynchronous save process. For more information, see
Current security context is not valid for saving new files The selected collaborative space does not have a write access. From the Collaborative Space list, select a collaborative space that has write access.
Deleted Configuration(s) The structure contains a physical product that is deleted locally and these physical products have references to other objects on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The save operation is successful by creating a new revision for the object or removing the broken references. If you continue with the Save operation an error message is displayed that prompts you to view and manage the reference relationships by clicking Check References. The Check References option opens the Relations app.
Based on the option selected for the Mandatory Mapped Attributes option, the status column displays the following statuses:
  • Mandatory attribute is unset: This warning is displayed when appropriate values are not defined for mandatory attributes. The save process is not blocked with this warning.
  • Required properties not set: This error is displayed when appropriate values are not defined for mandatory attributes. The save process is blocked with this error.

Views and Filters

Two view options are available: Flat View and Nested View.
  • Flat View: This is the default view, where all the objects are left aligned and appear in an expanded form.
  • Nested View: In this view, the objects are indented and have expand or collapse controls.
To sort the objects, click the column header of any column. You can sort only one column at a given time. For nested view, note the following:
  • When a filter is applied in nested view, each row that matches the filter appears, as well as all the ancestor rows. To distinguish between the filtered rows and ancestor rows, the text in filtered row changes to italic text format.
  • Sorting takes place within each hierarchical level.
The following table explains the different filter options. Only one filter option can be applied at a given time.
Filter Option Description
All Files Shows all the files of the structure.
New Shows only those files of the structure with status as New.
Modified Shows only those files of the structure with status as Modified.
Warning or Error Shows only those files of the structure with status as any kind of warning or error.


Action/ Command Name Description
Select Bookmark Select a bookmark and choose one of the following:
  • Select Bookmark : You can choose or create a bookmark from the bookmark selector.
  • Select from Recent: Displays a list of recently accessed bookmarks. Each time you select a bookmark from the Select Bookmark dialog box, the bookmark is added to the recent list. The Select from Recent option displays only 10 bookmarks. After 10 bookmarks, the last bookmark from the list is removed and the next one is added to the top of the list.
    • If the bookmark displayed in the recent list does not exist, an error message is displayed only when save operation is performed. In this case, the save fails and the bookmark is removed from the recent list.
    • If a bookmark is renamed, the updated bookmark name is not displayed in the recent list and also the save operation is not blocked.
  • Clear Selected: Removes bookmark for the selected objects.
  • Clear All: Removes bookmark of all the objects.
Collaborative Space From the list, select the required Collaborative Space to which the object must be saved. If there exist multiple organizations belonging to a common collaborative space, the name of the organization is displayed along with the collaborative space. If the selected collaborative space does not have a write access, the save operation is blocked.
  • This list is visible only if there are new objects that are part of the save operation.
  • This option is active only when the user has access to different collaborative spaces.
Export Exports the information to a CSV file.
Unlock files after saving When you select this check box, the modified locked objects get unlocked in MySession after the save operation.
All the objects with status OK in the save dialog box are unlocked when you save them by selecting Unlock files after saving.
Lock All Locks the object, based on the option selected.
  • Lock All: Locks all the objects that are part of the save operation.
  • Lock Selected: Locks only the selected objects, while others remain unlocked.
Lock All is the default selection
Save Saves the files with all the conditions that you selected
Cancel Cancels the save operation
Help Opens the help file for the save dialog.