Allows access to a BlockAttribute definition.
This code snippet shows how to get the captions, names, and values of the BlockAttribute definitions.
COM native C++
void CAddinDumpManager::DumpAttributeDefinitions( CStdioFile& fileOutput, LPCWSTR tabStr, IBlockDefinitionPtr blkDefs )
CString strPrint;
_variant_t pVariantArrayAD = blkDefs->GetAttributeDefinitions();
if( V_VT( &pVariantArrayAD ) != VT_EMPTY )
IAttributeDefinitionPtr *blkAttDefs = NULL;
int countOfAttDefs = 0;
TypeConverter::convertVariantArrayToPtrArray<IAttributeDefinitionPtr, IAttributeDefinition>( pVariantArrayAD, blkAttDefs, countOfAttDefs );
strPrint.Format( L"\tAttribute definitions (%d):\r\n", countOfAttDefs );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
if( blkAttDefs && countOfAttDefs > 0)
for( int i = 0; i < countOfAttDefs; ++i )
bstr_t AttDefCaption= blkAttDefs[i]->GetCaption();
strPrint.Format( L"\tCaption: %s\r\n", AttDefCaption.operator const wchar_t*() );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
bstr_t AttDefName= blkAttDefs[i]->GetName();
strPrint.Format( L"\tName: %s\r\n", AttDefName.operator const wchar_t*() );
bstr_t AttDefValue= blkAttDefs[i]->GetValue();
strPrint.Format( L"\tValue: %s\r\n", AttDefValue.operator const wchar_t*() );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
delete[] blkAttDefs;
fileOutput.WriteString( L"\tERROR GetAttributeDefinitions\r\n" );
fileOutput.WriteString( L"\tERROR GetAttributeDefinitions\r\n" );
This code snippet shows how to get a BlockAttribute definition, if the selected object is an IAttributeDefinition object.
COM native C++
long selCount = dsSelManager->GetSelectedObjectCount( dsSelectionSetType_Current );
strPrint.Format( L"Selected objects: (%d):\r\n", selCount );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
if( selCount > 0 )
for( long i = 0; i < selCount; ++i )
dsObjectType_e retObjType;
IDispatchPtr selObj = dsSelManager->GetSelectedObject( dsSelectionSetType_Current, i, &retObjType );
//If selected object is a BlockAttribute definition
if( dsAttributeDefinitionType == retObjType )
IAttributeDefinitionPtr AttDefs( selObj );
. . .