Allows access to a Block definition.
.NET Syntax
Visual Basic (Declaration) | |
Public Interface IBlockDefinition |
C# | |
public interface IBlockDefinition |
JavaScript | |
Object dsBlockDefinition |
COM native C++ | |
interface IBlockDefinition |
C++ | |
class dsBlockDefinition_c |
This code snippet shows how to write the names of the Block definitions to a file.
COM native C++
void CAddinDumpManager::DumpBlockDefinitions( CStdioFile& fileOutput, LPCWSTR tabStr, IDocumentPtr dsDoc )
CString strPrint;
_variant_t pVariantArray = dsDoc->GetBlockDefinitions();
if( V_VT( &pVariantArray ) != VT_EMPTY )
IBlockDefinitionPtr *blkDefs = NULL;
int countOfBlockDefs = 0;
TypeConverter::convertVariantArrayToPtrArray<IBlockDefinitionPtr, IBlockDefinition>( pVariantArray, blkDefs, countOfBlockDefs );
strPrint.Format( L"Block definitions (%d):\r\n", countOfBlockDefs );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
if( blkDefs && countOfBlockDefs > 0)
for( int i = 0; i < countOfBlockDefs; ++i )
bstr_t BLockName= blkDefs[i]->GetName();
strPrint.Format(L"Block definition name: %s\r\n", BLockName.operator const wchar_t*());
CAddinDumpManager::DumpAttributeDefinitions( fileOutput, L"", blkDefs[i] );
CAddinDumpManager::DumpBlockInstances( fileOutput, L"\t", blkDefs[i] );
delete[] blkDefs;
fileOutput.WriteString( L"ERROR GetBlockDefinitions\r\n" );
Access Diagram
See Also