Use this interface to manage a project. More...
Use this interface to manage a project.
close the project
Get the contract number of the project.
Get the user name that created the current object.
Get the customer address 1 of the project.
Get the customer address 2 of the project.
Get the customer address 3 of the project.
Get the name of the customer of the project.
Get the drawing office address 1 of the project.
Get the drawing office address 2 of the project.
Get the drawing office address 3 of the project.
Get the drawing office name of the project.
Get an IEwProjectBookManagerX to manage Books of this project.
To get the cable manager.
Get an IEwProjectComponentManagerX to manage components of this project.
To get the project configuration.
Get an IEwProjectFileConfigurationManagerX to manage Project Report Configuration.
Get an IEwProjectFileManagerX to manage files of this project.
Get an IEwProjectFolderManagerX to manage Folders of this project.
Get an IEwProjectFunctionManagerX to manage Functions of this project.
Get an IEwProjectHarnessManagerX to manage Harness of this project.
Get an IEwProjectInputOutputManagerX to manage ProjectInputOutput of this project.
Get an IEwProjectLocationManagerX to manage locations of this project.
Get an IEwProjectManufacturerPartManagerX to manage Builds of Materials of this project.
Get an IEwProjectMultilingualTextManagerX to manage Project Multilingual Text of this project.
Get an IEwProjectPrintConfigManagerX to manage print config of this project.
Get an IEwProjectReportManagerX to manage reports of this project.
Get an IEwProjectSnapshotManagerX to manage snapshots of this project.
Get an IEwProjectSymbolManagerX to manage ProjectSymbolManager of this project.
Get an IEwProjectUpdateReplaceDataX to manage the update or replacedata of this project.
To get the project wire manager.
Get an IEwProjectWireStyleManagerX to manage project wire style.
To get the routing data manager.
Get the externID of the project.
It's an Id to link with a PDM
Return folder path associated to the current project.
Get an array of strings of the automation variables of the project, usually a macro.
Get the modification date of the project.
Get the last user name that modified the current object.
Get the name of the project.
Get the path of the first file of the project for the preview.
Get an EwProjectType enum type, can be EwProjectType.kProject for a project or EwProjectType.kMacro for a macro.
Get the value of a translated text.
Get user data of the object Project must be opened to be able to call this method.
Create an IEwProjectAutomaticArrowsX to manage the Origin Destination automatic insertion.
Create an IEwProjectExcelAutomationX object from the associated project.
Create an IEwProjectExportDWGFilesX object from the associated project.
Create an IEwProjectExportPDFX object from the associated project.
Create an IEwProjectExportPDMX object from the associated project.
Create an IEwProjectExportReportX object from the associated project.
Create an IEwProjectGenerateTSDrawingX object to draw terminal strip in a project.
Create an IEwProjectNumberDocumentsX to manage the renumbering document marks of this project.
Create an IEwProjectNumberMarksX to manage the renumbering marks of this project.
Create an IEwProjectNumberWiresX to manage the numbering or the renumbering wires of this project.
Create an IEwProjectOptimizeWireOrderX to optimize the wire order of this project.
open the project
Set the contract number of the project.
Set the customer address 1 of the project.
Set the customer address 2 of the project.
Set the customer address 3 of the project.
Set the name of the customer of the project.
Set the drawing office address 1 of the project.
Set the drawing office address 2 of the project.
Set the drawing office address 3 of the project.
Set the Drawing office name of the project.
Set the externID field in the project.
It's an Id to link with PDM
Set the name of the project.
Set the value of a translated text Project must be opened to be able to call this method.
Set user data of the object Project must be opened to be able to call this method.
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