A scenario contains a set of tracks with each track associated with a partial or full Net GUID. A Net GUID is an ID based on the name of an actor and its hierarchy in the Assembly tree. When a track is associated with a partial Net GUID, it can be applied to several actors. All actors instanced by the current open product that match the Net GUID of the track receive the animation.
For example:
Net GUID of track 1: b.c
Net GUID of actor 1: a.b.c -> get track 1
Net GUID of actor 2: d.b.c -> get track 1
Net GUID of actor 3: e.f.c
<Server Type="CLitServerModifiable">
<CLitActorMesh Name ="LeftWheel"
A scenario can reference a list of child scenarios.
<Child […] />
<Child […] />
These scenario instances have GUIDs and properties:
- The GUID of the scenario.
Ident = "81d0e51bd1e02c1e"
- The file name of the scenario to instantiate.
IsInstanceOf = ".\wheel.smgSce"
- The application point characterized by a partial or full Net GUID. Only actors matching this Net GUID are influenced by the referenced scenario.
NetGuid = "b7aebd17d5886219.8d029e89f289e09f.95d439236dcee9c5"
- Apply mode: Tracks issued from the instance can replace tracks issued from the other children or can be merged.
Operator = "replace"
Operator = "merge"
- Start and end times: Expressed in the time space of the scenario, it is used to time-stretch child scenarios.
TimeStart = "60"
TimeEnd = "119"
- Priority: An integer that sorts the list of child scenarios. The lower child is applied first.
Priority = "0"
- Inheritance: Each child scenario can reference other scenarios, so a Directed Acyclic Graph is built.
- Override: Tracks described in the parent scenario are applied after the instantiations of the child scenarios and overwrite the existing tracks.