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About Profiles for Workshop Settings

Profiles store workshop settings for future use and facilitate sharing settings between users.

For example, you can create several Technical Illustration workshop profiles to save combinations of frequently used settings and share the profiles with team members. Styles (Styles workshop) and filters (Filters workshop) are also types of profiles.

Note: Sync can use profiles when creating and updating content.

This page discusses:

Location of Profiles

This section explains where profiles are located on your computer.

Composer saves user-defined profiles as XML files in the User\Profiles folder. See Application Paths.

Predefined (system) profiles are located in < install_dir >\bin. To locate shared profiles, add folders to the Profiles list in the data path file. See Data Paths.

Note: Profile names act as identifiers and are used to retrieve profiles and the data they contain. To avoid issues, take the following precautions:
  • Do not rename profiles.
  • Use unique profile names.

Workshops that Use Profiles

This section lists the workshops that use profiles.

Workshop File Extension
Styles.smgStyleSet, .sset (legacy)
Technical Illustration.smgVectoSet, .vset (legacy)
High Resolution Image.smgHighResSet
Clearance Checking.smgClashStaticSet
Note: When publishing Composer documents to HTML (File > Publish > HTML ), you can select profiles (*.smgPublishHtmlSet) that define the HTML output. Unlike other profiles, these profiles are located in < install_dir>\Profiles and are not editable through a Composer workshop. See Publish to HTML for details.

Locked and default profiles

When you modify settings in a workshop, Composer automatically saves the changes to the current profile unless it is locked.

Some workshops have default, locked profiles that define system defaults. These profiles are not stored as files and, since they are locked, cannot be modified.

Tip: For the Styles workshop, your administrator can override default style settings by editing the <install_dir>\bin\_Default Style.smgStyleSet file, in which case you should select _ Default Style as your default style.

Locked profiles have a lock icon in the profile list.

To lock a profile, include the following property in the settings file: <Profile.Modifiable Value="0"/>. To allow modifications, set the value to "1".

Technical Illustration Workshop vs. Other Workshops

In the Technical Illustration workshop, you cannot modify default profiles. If you change the values of a default profile, you are offered to store these values in a new profile.

In the other workshops that use profiles, you can overload the values of default profiles during your session. If you change the values of a default profile, these values remain in use during your session, and are not saved when closing Composer.

Commands Available in Worshops that Use Profiles

This section lists profile-related commands available in the workshops that use profiles.

IconCommand NameDescription
N/AProfileSpecifies the current profile.
Sort By CategorySorts profiles by category of location, that is Composer default path profiles, user-defined path profiles, or other path profiles (such as network locations).
Sort AlphabeticallySorts profiles alphabetically.
Quick Style(Styles workshop only.) See the Styles tab.
NewCreates a new profile with default settings.
Note: In the Technical Illustration workshop only, creates a profile with the current settings.
CopyCreates a new profile with the current settings or the settings of the current profile (depending on the workshop).
Note: Not available in the Technical Illustration workshop. Use New .
RenameRenames the profile. You cannot rename locked profiles.
DeleteDeletes the profile. You cannot delete locked profiles.

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