Render Selection Tools

The Render Selection tools in the main toolbar let you select the realtime rendering mode.

Hover over Render Selection to display the following tools.

SOLIDWORKS Visualize is hardware agnostic, which means you have the fastest time-to-quality rendering using CPU, GPU, or Hybrid (both CPU and GPU) settings.

Preview Enables high performance, interactive, noise-free rendering.
Fast Enables visually accurate raytracing for the fastest time-to-quality rendering. Under Quality, select one:


Recommended for fastest interactivity in the Viewport.


Recommended for final renders.

Accurate Enables physically accurate path tracing for the most precise rendering.
Boost Available only in SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional. Enables Boost render mode, which uses hardware from any connected Visualize Boost computers to stream ray tracing directly to your Viewport for a faster experience.