Specifying a Z-Up Template

When you create a part or assembly, you can choose a template for Z-up orientation.

When you create a part, you can choose Y-up or Z-up and build on the template. In earlier releases, SOLIDWORKS had a default Y-up orientation only.
The Y-up and Z-up orientation settings are available only for the default templates that SOLIDWORKS creates.

You can specify a SOLIDWORKS default Z-up template when you create a new SOLIDWORKS document.

After a new installation, you can specify the default orientation in the Units and Dimension Standard dialog box.

To specify a Z-up template when you create a new SOLIDWORKS document:
  1. Click New (Standard toolbar) or File > New.
  2. In the dialog box:
    1. Select a type of document, such as part or assembly.
    2. Specify an option:
      • Y-up. The Y-axis points upward.
      • Z-up. The Z-axis points upward.
    3. Click OK.
To specify a Z-up template in the Units and Dimension Standard dialog box:
  1. Access the Units and Dimension Standard dialog box:
    1. In the lower-right corner of the graphics window, in the task bar, click IPS.
    2. Specify units:
      • MKS (meter, kilogram, second)
      • CGS (centimeter, gram, second)
      • MMG (millimeter, gram, second)
      • IPS (inch, pound, second)
    3. Click Edit Documents Units....
  2. In the Units and Dimension dialog box, under Orientation, specify an option:
    • Y-up. The Y-axis points upward.
    • Z-up. The Z-axis points upward.
  3. Click OK.