Creating a Circular Pattern Create six tall cylinder extrusions with cuts and fillets evenly spaced about the central axis of the part using the Circular Pattern tool. Click View > Hide /Show > Temporary Axes. This shows all of the system-generated axes in the part. You select one as the central axis of the pattern. On the Features tab, expand the Linear Pattern flyout toolbar and click Circular Pattern . In the PropertyManager, under Direction 1: Select the temporary axis in the center of the part for Pattern Axis. Select Equal spacing to pattern the number of instances uniformly around the axis within 360°. Set Number of Instances to 6. Click in Features to Pattern . In the flyout FeatureManager design tree in the graphics area, select the last three features (Fillet2, Cut-Extrude2, and Boss-Extrude3). Click . Parent topicIntroduction to SOLIDWORKS Previous topic Adding Fillets to the Tall Cylinder Next topic Adding the Last Fillet