You can create an assembly by using the two parts.
If tutor1.SLDPRT
(created in Lesson 1 - Parts) is not open,
click Open
(Standard toolbar) and open
the part.
Click .
The Begin Assembly
PropertyManager appears.
Under Part/Assembly to
Insert, select Tutor1.
A preview of
Tutor1 appears in the graphics area, and the pointer changes to


Click Keep Visible
in the PropertyManager to
insert more than one component without having to reopen the PropertyManager.
Click in the graphics area to place Tutor1.
In the PropertyManager under Part/Assembly to Insert, select Tutor2.
Click in the graphics area to place Tutor2 beside Tutor1.
If required, click Zoom to
Click and in the dialog box, save the assembly as
The .SLDASM extension is
added to the file name. If you see messages about rebuilding the assembly and
saving referenced documents, click Save
All and Rebuild and save the