Defining Stress-Strain Curves
Stress-strain curves are available with the following material models:
Note: For
HyperElastic Ogden
HyperElastic Mooney Rivlin
material models, you can define stretch ratio (deformed length/undeformed length) versus nominal stress (force/initial area) data pairs based on experimental data from specimen tests: simple tension, planar tension or pure shear, and biaxial tension.
To define a stress-strain curve:
In the Material dialog box, right-click Custom Materials and select New Category. If needed, rename the New Category folder.
Right-click the newly defined category and select New Material.
On the Properties tab, do the following:
Set Model Type to Nonlinear Elastic, Plasticity - von Mises, or Plasticity - Tresca.
Select the desired Units.
Click Create Stress-Strain Curve.
The Tables & Curves tab opens.
Under Type, make sure that Stress-Strain curve is selected.
In the Table data, do the following:
Select the desired stress Units.
Type the strain and stress data pairs in the table. For large strain formulation, type the logarithmic strain data.
To open a new row, double-click any cell in the Points column.
Click File to read data from a *.dat text file with two columns of data.
To view the curve, click View.
To save the material to a material library, click Save.
Click Apply.
Click Close.