- Using Mates in Animations
You can use mates to restrict motion between components for motion studies. You can set the values for distance and angle mates, and change these values for different points in an animation.
- Using Mates for Motion Analysis Studies
- Redundant Mates
For Motion Analysis studies, having redundant mates is the equivalent of over-defining a SolidWorks model.
- Hinge Mates
A hinge mate limits the movement between two components to one rotational degree of freedom. It has the same effect as adding a concentric mate plus a coincident mate. You can also limit the angular movement between the two components.
- Specifying the Mate Location
SolidWorks Motion studies use mate location points to determine how parts move in relation to each other. You can modify the mate location to override the default location.
- Motion Study-specific Mates
Motion study-specific mates are mates you create for a motion study that are independent of the assembly model mates. Using motion study-specific mates, you can create multiple motion studies to analyze model motion with different mates without changing the model.
- Motion for Components Mated with Linear Couplers
You can define linear/linear coupler mates to set up linearly coupled motion between components in models.
- About Mate Primitives
A mate primitive is a mate that constrains at most two degrees of freedom. By replacing a mate with a mate primitive, you can remove redundant constraints on a component by limiting degrees of freedom on the component one at a time.