- Extend Surface
You can extend a surface by selecting an edge, multiple edges, or a face.
- Fillet Surface
You can use a fillet to smooth the edge between two adjacent faces in a surface body that meet at an angle.
- Knit Surface
Use the Knit Surface
tool to combine two or more faces and surfaces into one.
- Mid Surface
The Mid-Surface
tool enables you to create mid surfaces between suitable selected face pairs on solid bodies. Suitable face pairs should be offset from each other.
- Filled Surface
The Filled Surface
feature constructs a surface patch with any number of sides, within a boundary defined by existing model edges, sketches, or curves, including composite curves.
- Trim Surface
You can use a surface, plane, or sketch as a trim tool to trim intersecting surfaces. You can also use a surface in conjunction with additional surfaces, as mutual trim tools. Trim surface includes the following options:
- Untrim Surface
With Untrim Surface, you can patch surface holes and external edges by extending an existing surface along its natural boundaries.
- Hide and Show Bodies
With multibody parts, you can hide or show surface or solid bodies using .
- Move/Copy Bodies
In multibody parts, you can move, rotate, and copy solid and surface bodies, or place them using mates.
- Move Face PropertyManager
You can offset, translate, and rotate faces and features directly on solid or surface models.
- Delete Face
- Delete Hole
The Delete Hole dialog box lists any closed profile instances previously deleted from a surface. It allows you to remove one or more instances, without deleting the entire Delete Hole feature from the FeatureManager design tree.
- Replace Face
You can replace faces in a surface or solid body with new surface bodies using the Replace Face
tool (Surfaces toolbar).