You create a mold using a sequence of integrated tools that control the mold creation process. You can use these mold tools to analyze and correct deficiencies with either SolidWorks or imported models of parts to be molded.
Mold tools span from initial analysis to creating the tooling split. The result of the tooling split is a multibody part containing separate bodies for the molded part, the core, and the cavity, plus other optional bodies such as side cores. The multibody part file maintains your design intent in one convenient location. Changes to the molded part are automatically reflected in the tooling bodies.
You can save each tooling body into a separate part document by right-clicking the body in Solid Bodies and selecting Insert into New Part. Then insert the new parts into an assembly, where you can add other supporting hardware, create mates, and so on. The new parts have external references to the original model, so changes to the molded part are automatically reflected in the tooling parts in the assembly.
The Mold Tools toolbar also includes additional tools common to the mold process, such as
Scale and
Move Face , as well as surface modeling tools such as
Planar Surface and
Knit Surface .