| Name | Description |
| AddPropertyExtension | Stores a float, string, or integer value with a part. |
| Body | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::GetBodies2 and IPartDoc::EnumBodies3. |
| CreateFeatureFromBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::CreateFeatureFromBody3. |
| CreateFeatureFromBody2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::CreateFeatureFromBody3. |
| CreateFeatureFromBody3 | Creates a new imported feature from the specified temporary body. |
| CreateNewBody | Creates a new body to use for import sewing operations and returns it to the caller. |
| CreateSurfaceFeatureFromBody | Creates a surface feature from a body. |
| DeleteEntityName | Deletes the name associated with the specified entity. |
| EditRebuild | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditRebuild3. |
| EditRollback | Rolls back the part's history to the feature just before the currently selected feature in the FeatureManager design tree. |
| EditSuppress | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditSuppress2. |
| EditUnsuppress | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditUnsuppress2. |
| EditUnsuppressDependent | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditUnsuppressDependent2. |
| EnumBodies | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::EnumBodies3. |
| EnumBodies2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::EnumBodies3. |
| EnumBodies3 | Enumerates the bodies in this part. |
| EnumRelatedBodies | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::EnumRelatedBodies2. |
| EnumRelatedBodies2 | Creates an enumerated list of bodies. |
| EnumRelatedSectionedBodies | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::EnumRelatedSectionedBodies. |
| EnumRelatedSectionedBodies2 | Gets an enumeration of the related sectioned bodies in a part. |
| ExportFlatPatternView | Enables a sheet metal part to be saved to disk in its flattened state to a DXF/DWG file. |
| ExportToDWG | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::ExportToDWG2. |
| ExportToDWG2 | Saves various aspects of a part (sheet metal, faces, loops, and annotation views) to one or more DXF/DWG files, preserving the specified filename. |
| FeatureById | Gets the feature with the specified ID in the part. |
| FeatureByName | Gets the named feature in the part. |
| FeatureExtrusion | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusion2. |
| FeatureExtrusion2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusion2. |
| FeatureExtrusion3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusion2. |
| FeatureExtrusionThin | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusionThin2. |
| FeatureExtrusionThin2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusionThin2. |
| FeatureExtrusionThin3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusionThin2. |
| FeatureRevolve | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolve. |
| FeatureRevolve2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolve. |
| FeatureRevolveCut | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolveCut. |
| FeatureRevolveThin | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolveThin. |
| FeatureRevolveThin2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolveThin. |
| FeatureRevolveThinCut | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureRevolveThinCut. |
| FeatureXpert | Executes FeatureXpert, powered by SolidWorks Intelligent Feature Technology ( SWIFT), in parts. |
| FirstFeature | Gets the first feature in the part. |
| ForceRebuild | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ForceRebuild3. |
| GetBodies | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::GetBodies2. |
| GetBodies2 | Gets the bodies in this part. |
| GetCorresponding | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetCorresponding. |
| GetCorrespondingEntity | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetCorrespondingEntity. |
| GetEntityByName | Gets an entity (face, edge, vertex) by name. |
| GetEntityName | Gets the name of the specified entity. |
| GetMateReferenceEntity | Gets the mate reference entity. |
| GetMaterialPropertyName | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::GetMaterialPropertyName2. |
| GetMaterialPropertyName2 | Gets the names of the material database and the material for the specified configuration. |
| GetMaterialVisualProperties | Gets the material visual properties for this part. |
| GetNamedEntities | Gets an array of names of named entities (face, edge, vertex, and so on) in this part. |
| GetNamedEntitiesCount | Gets the number of named entities (face, edge, vertex, and so on) in this part. |
| GetPartBox | Gets the box enclosing the part. |
| GetProcessedBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IBody2::GetProcessedBody2 and IPartDoc::IGetProcessedBody2. |
| GetPropertyExtension | Retrieves a float, string, or integer value from a part document. |
| GetRelatedBodies | Creates a list of all the related bodies in a part. |
| GetRelatedSectionedBodies | Gets all of the related sectioned bodies in a part. |
| GetSectionedBody | Gets the sectioned body seen in the specified drawing view. |
| GetTessNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation. |
| GetTessTriangleCount | Gets the number of triangles that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this part. |
| GetTessTriangles | Gets the triangles that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this part. |
| GetTessTriStripEdges | Gets the edge ID for each of the edges in the triangles that make up the tessellation for this part. |
| GetTessTriStripNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation for this part. |
| GetTessTriStrips | Gets the vertices that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this part. |
| GetTessTriStripSize | Gets the size of the array floats required to contain the data returned when calling IPartDoc::GetTessTriStrips and IPartDoc::IGetTessTriStrips. |
| IBodyObject | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::GetBodies2 and IPartDoc::EnumBodies3. |
| IBodyObject2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::GetBodies2 and IPartDoc::EnumBodies3. |
| ICreateFeatureFromBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::ICreateFeatureFromBody4. |
| ICreateFeatureFromBody2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::ICreateFeatureFromBody4. |
| ICreateFeatureFromBody3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::ICreateFeatureFromBody4. |
| ICreateFeatureFromBody4 | Creates a new imported feature from the specified temporary body. |
| ICreateNewBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::ICreateNewBody2. |
| ICreateNewBody2 | Creates a new body to use for import sewing operations and returns it to the caller. |
| ICreateSurfaceFeatureFromBody | Creates a surface feature from a body. |
| ICreateSurfaceFeatureFromBodyCount | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::ICreateSurfaceFeatureFromBodyCount2. |
| ICreateSurfaceFeatureFromBodyCount2 | Gets the number of surface features to create from the body. |
| IDeleteEntityName | Deletes the name associated with the specified entity. |
| IExportToDWG | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::IExportToDWG2. |
| IExportToDWG2 | Saves various aspects of a part (sheet metal, faces, loops, and annotation views) to one or more DXF/DWG files, preserving the specified filename. |
| IFeatureById | Gets the feature with the specified ID in the part. |
| IFeatureByName | Gets the named feature in the part. |
| IFirstFeature | Gets the first feature in the part. |
| IGetCorrespondingEntity | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDocExtension::GetCorrespondingEntity. |
| IGetEntityByName | Gets an entity (face, edge, vertex) by name. |
| IGetEntityName | Gets the name of the specified entity. |
| IGetNamedEntities | Gets an array of names of named entities (face, edge, vertex, and so on) in this part. |
| IGetPartBox | Gets the box enclosing the part. |
| IGetProcessedBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::IGetProcessedBody2. |
| IGetProcessedBody2 | Pre-processes the geometry of a body so that:
Closed periodic faces (for example, the lateral face of a cylinder) are split into two faces.
Faces that straddle the seam, if any, of the underlying surface are split into two faces. |
| IGetProcessedBodyWithSelFace | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::IGetProcessedBodyWithSelFace2. |
| IGetProcessedBodyWithSelFace2 | Gets a processed body. |
| IGetSectionedBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::IGetSectionedBody2. |
| IGetSectionedBody2 | Gets the sectioned body seen in the specified drawing view. |
| IGetTessNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation. |
| IGetTessTriangles | Gets the triangles that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this part. |
| IGetTessTriStripEdges | Gets the edge ID for each of the edges in the triangles that make up the tessellation for this part. |
| IGetTessTriStripEdgeSize | Gets the size of the array returned by IPartDoc::GetTessTriStripEdges and IPartDoc::IGetTessTriStripEdges. |
| IGetTessTriStripNorms | Gets the normal vector for each of the triangles, which make up the shaded picture tessellation for this part. |
| IGetTessTriStrips | Gets the vertices that make up the shaded picture tessellation for this part. |
| ImportDiagnosis | Diagnoses and repairs any gaps or bad faces on imported features. |
| ImportDiagnosisGapCloser | Allows you to repair a gap by moving the vertices on the edges surrounding the gap to new positions to close the gap on the imported model. |
| InsertBasePart | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::InsertPart. |
| InsertBends | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::InsertBends2. |
| InsertBends2 | Creates bends in a thin-feature part. |
| InsertMirrorAll | Mirrors the part about a selected planar face. |
| InsertMirrorFeature | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertMirrorFeature. |
| InsertPart | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::InsertPart2. |
| InsertPart2 | Inserts an existing part into this part document. |
| ISetEntityName | Sets the name of the entity if the entity does not have a name. |
| IsMirrored | Gets whether this part is mirrored. |
| IsWeldment | Gets whether this part contains a weldment feature. |
| MakeSection | Saves sketch profiles for use in the wizard. |
| MirrorFeature | Displays a dialog that allows the end-user to mirror a feature about a selected plane or planar face. |
| MirrorPart | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::MirrorPart2. |
| MirrorPart2 | Creates a new part document that mirrors this part about a selected reference plane or planar face. |
| RemoveAllDisplayStates | Removes all display states and appearances from this part document. |
| ReorderFeature | Reorders features and their operations. |
| ResetPropertyExtension | Clears all values stored in the property extension. |
| SaveToFile | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::SaveToFile2. |
| SaveToFile2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::SaveToFile3. |
| SaveToFile3 | Saves the selected weldment member, surface body, or solid body to another part document. |
| SetCosmosWorksMaterial | Assigns the material to use during analysis to this part. |
| SetDroppedFileName | Sets the filename for a recently dropped file. |
| SetEntityName | Sets the name of the entity if the entity does not have a name. |
| SetLineColor | Sets the color for the lines in the part document. |
| SetLineStyle | Sets the style or font for the lines in the part document. |
| SetLineWidth | Sets the thickness or weight for the lines in the part document. |
| SetMaterialPropertyName | Obsolete. Superseded by IPartDoc::SetMaterialPropertyName2. |
| SetMaterialPropertyName2 | Sets the name of the material property for the specified configuration. |
| SetMaterialVisualProperties | Sets the material visual properties for the active configuration and any specified configurations of this part. |