- Move the Deviation slider to adjust the deviation Tolerance, which controls whole-part tessellation. Lower numbers generate files with greater whole-part accuracy.
- Move the Angle slider to adjust the angle Tolerance, which controls smaller detail tessellation. Lower numbers generate files with greater small-detail accuracy, but those files take longer to generate.
As you move the two sliders, the corresponding concentric circles adjust accordingly. The circles show, approximately, how the tessellation will vary as a result of the settings. (See Preview below.)
Show STL info before file saving
Displays a SolidWorks dialog box (when you click Save in the Save As dialog box) that contains the following information: Triangles (number), File Size, File Format, and the directory path and file name.
Displays a faceted model preview in the graphics area and displays the Triangles (number) and File size information in the Export Options dialog box.