Creating Serial Numbers (C#)
sample shows how to generate serial numbers for file data cards using
an add-in written in Visual C#.
Because SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM cannot force a reload of
add-ins if they are written in .NET, all client machines must be restarted to ensure that the latest version of the add-in is used.
Enterprise PDM recommends that serial numbers be generated using the built-in format strings or lists.
They provide better performance than serial numbers generated by add-ins
or serial numbers from files. Write an add-in to generate the serial
number only if built-in format strings or lists are insufficient.
differences between serial number generation and other types of hooks
Creating Menu Commands (C#) to
create a basic add-in.
Register a hook to
your add-in when a serial
number needs to be generated. Implement IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo as follows:
public void GetAddInInfo(ref EdmAddInInfo poInfo, IEdmVault5 poVault, IEdmCmdMgr5 poCmdMgr)
//Return information about this add-in to the Administrate Add-ins dialog
poInfo.mbsAddInName = "My serial number generator";
poInfo.mbsCompany = "The name of my company";
poInfo.mbsDescription = "Implements serial numbers";
poInfo.mlAddInVersion = 1;
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMajor = 5;
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMinor = 2;
//Notify that a serial number needs to be generated
Implement IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd as follows:
public void OnCmd(ref EdmCmd poCmd, ref Array ppoData)
//Check the upper and lower bounds of the array
int Index = ppoData.GetLowerBound(0);
int last = ppoData.GetUpperBound(0);
if (Index <= last) {
int cnt;
cnt = last - Index + 1 ;
//Create a temporary array to which you have full access
EdmCmdData[] tmpArr;
tmpArr = (EdmCmdData[])ppoData;
//Generate serial numbers for all of the affected files
String CounterVal;
while (Index <= last) {
CounterVal = tmpArr[Index].mlLongData1.ToString() ;
String s;
s = "My serno(" + CounterVal + ")" ;
tmpArr[Index].mbsStrData1 = s ;
Index = Index + 1 ;
//Return the updated data
ppoData = tmpArr;
The second argument to
is an array of EdmCmdData structures. There is
one element in the array for each file that is affected by the call.
See EdmCmdData for a complete list
of members and their descriptions.
Click Build > Build
Solution to build the add-in.
the add-in through the SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM
Administration tool:
Enterprise PDM Administration tool.
- Expand the vault where
you want to install this add-in and log in as Admin.
- Right-click Add-ins and click New
- Browse to
click project_name.dll and Interop.EdmLib.dll.
- Click Open.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
Right-click the Serial Numbers node in the
tree and click
New Serial
Create a new serial number
in the Name field and select
Serial number from add-in
in the Type dropdown.
The name of your add-in is displayed in Name of add-in.
After ensuring that your add-in is selected, click
Now you can connect the add-in serial number to controls in
your file data cards.
Cards > File Cards, double-click Text Card, and click the
the Default value group box on the Edit-box properties panel,
click Serial number and
select the serial number that you created in step 7.
Save the card and exit the Card Editor.
Create a new text file
by right-clicking in a Windows Explorer vault view and
clicking New >
Text File.
The file data card displays a serial number in Title of the newly added