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Adding Library Features That Include References

You can add a library feature to a part by dragging the library feature from the Design Library to the part. You can also drag a library feature and place it on a plane.

To add a library feature to a part that includes references:

  1. With the target part open, click the Design Library tab tab_Design_Library.gif on the Task Pane.
  2. Select Design Library folder.
  3. Browse to locate the library feature you want to place.
  4. Select the library feature from the lower panel, and drag it to the face of the part or plane.
  5. In the PropertyManager, under Configurations:
    • Select a configuration.
    • Select Link to library part if you want the library feature you inserted to update whenever the parent library feature is updated.

    Once you select the configuration, the PropertyManager adjusts depending on whether the library feature includes references.

    If the library part includes references, the following is displayed:
    • Graphics area. A preview window that highlights the first reference to select.
    • PropertyManager. The References group that lists the references required to insert and locate the library feature.

  6. Select each of the edges (or other entities such as planes) on the part that correspond to the edges or other entities highlighted in the preview window.
    This positions the library feature.

  7. Under Locating Dimensions, click Value to edit the dimensions and re-position the library feature.

  8. Under Size Dimensions, select Override dimension values to create a custom configuration.

    Under Configurations, Custom configuration is highlighted.

    If you selected Link to library part under Configuration, you are prompted to clear the option if you want to specify custom dimensions in this instance.

  9. Click Value to edit the dimensions of this library part.
  10. Click PM_OK.gif.

You cannot add a library feature to an assembly. However, while editing a part in the context of an assembly, you can add a library feature to the part.

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