
Add text comments to items in the FeatureManager design tree (assemblies, components, features, sketches, and so on) in the manner of Post-It® notes. You can include a date and time stamp in text comments.

When you add the first comment to a document, a Comments folder is created in the FeatureManager design tree. Comments are displayed in tooltips, both in the Comments folder and for the item in the FeatureManager design tree.

You can only add one comment per item.

Comment in FeatureManager Design Tree

  • You can add comments to almost all nodes in the FeatureManager design tree. The comments extends to the following nodes:
    • Mates (all types)
    • Mate folder or Mate group
    • Folders
    • Sensors
    • Material
    • Annotation views
    • Blocks
    • Solid bodies folder
    • Surface bodies folder
    • Sheet metal nodes
    • Mate references
  • To locate comments more easily, you can turn on the comment indicators.
  • You can add standalone comments that are not attached to a feature or node in the FeatureManager design tree.
  • When you create or edit a comment, you can attach an image or a screen capture of the model.
  • You can view feature comments in the PropertyManager.
  • When you add a comment to a feature, a timestamp is added automatically to the comment.
  • You can view all comments in one dialog box and export the comments to a Microsoft Word document.
The ConfigurationManager also shows similar behaviour for comments.

Adding a Comment

To add a comment:

  1. Right-click an item in the FeatureManager design tree and select Comment > Add Comment .
  2. In the message box, type text. Click Date/Time Stamp to add the current date and time.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Adding Standalone Comments

You can add standalone comments that are not attached to a feature or node in the FeatureManager design tree.

To add standalone comments:

  1. Click Add Comment (Standard toolbar).
  2. In the Comment box, type the comment and click Save and Close.
    The standalone comment is added in the Comments folder in FeatureManager design tree.
    You can also right-click the Comments folder and click Add Comment to add a standalone comment.

Turning on Comment Indicators

You can turn on comment indicators in the FeatureManager design tree display to locate the comments more easily.

To turn on comment indicators:

  1. In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click the top node.
  2. Click Tree Display > Show Comment Indicator.
    Visual indicators appear in the FeatureManager design tree to indicate if a comment exists.

Editing a Comment

To edit a comment:

  1. Right-click an item in the FeatureManager design tree that has a comment and select Comment > Edit Comment .
  2. Edit the comment, then click Save and Close.

Deleting Comments

To delete a comment:

Right-click an item in the FeatureManager design tree that has a comment and select Comment > Delete Comment, then click Yes to confirm.

Adding Images and Screenshots to Comments

You can add images and screenshots to comments. When you add a comment to a feature, a timestamp is added automatically to the comment.

To add images and screenshots to comments:

  1. Click Add Comment (Standard toolbar).
  2. In the Comment box, click one or both of the following:
    • Insert image . Lets you browse for an image and adds it in the comment with a preview.
    • Insert screenshot . Adds an image of the graphics area in the comment with a preview.
  3. Click Save and Close.

Viewing and Editing Comments in PropertyManagers

You can view and edit the comments of a feature in PropertyManagers.

To view and edit comments in PropertyManagers:

  1. Click Tools > Options > System Options > Collaboration.
  2. In the dialog box, select Show Comments in PropertyManager.
  3. In the graphics area, select a feature that has a comment attached to it and click Edit Feature .
  4. In the PropertyManager, under Comment, click Edit.
  5. Modify the comment and click Save and Close.
  6. Click .