Linear Note Pattern PropertyManager

You can display notes in a linear pattern in drawings.

To display this PropertyManager:

In a drawing, click Linear Note Pattern (Annotations toolbar) or Insert > Annotations > Linear Note Pattern.

General guidelines include:
  • You can pre-select the notes to pattern.
  • To create an m by n grid of notes, set Number of Instances in Direction 1 to m and Number of Instances in Direction 2 to n.
You cannot edit the note pattern after you create it, but you can edit any note individually.

Direction 1

Reverse Direction  
dim_lin_d1.png Spacing Sets distance between the pattern instances in Direction 1.
pattern_linear_count.png Number of Instances Sets the number of pattern instances in Direction 1.
dim_ang_01.png Angle Sets an angular direction from the horizontal (X axis).

Direction 2

Setting Number of Instances in Direction 2 to a value greater than 1 activates Direction 2 settings.

Reverse Direction  
Spacing Sets distance between the pattern instances in Direction 2.
pattern_linear_count.png Number of Instances Sets the number of pattern instances in Direction 2.
Angle Sets an angular direction from the vertical (Y axis).

Notes to Pattern

Notes to Pattern Select the notes to pattern.