Creating Dimensions Between Two Arcs To dimension between two arcs: Click Smart Dimension (Dimensions/Relations toolbar) or Tools > Dimensions > Smart. Do one of the following: Select the edge of the first arc, and then select the edge of the second arc.Applies a minimum dimension between the first and second arc centers. Press Shift, and then click to apply the dimension between the two edges.Applies a minimum dimension between the first and second arc edges. Select the edge of the first arc, press Shift and then select the edge of the second arc.Applies a minimum dimension between the center of the first arc and the edge of the second arc. Opens the Dimension PropertyManager where you can change the way the distance is measured in all three instances. Parent topicDimensions Between Arcs or Circles Related tasks Changing the Way the Distance is Measured Creating Dimensions Between Concentric Circles and Displaying Extension Lines Displaying Extension Lines After Placing Dimensions Changing the Radial Dimension Position Dragging Dimension Attachment Positions Related reference Dimension Leaders PropertyManager