Creating Additional Template Tabs

When you open a new SOLIDWORKS document, you select a template for that document in the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box. System templates are available, but you can add tabs for your own templates.

Custom tabs help manage your templates:

  • Placement - Create folders on any drive, including hard drives, floppy drives, or network drives.
  • Access - Share the contents of network folders, or restrict access to folders.
  • Organization - Arrange folder contents to reflect your work environment.

To create a new tab on the advanced version of the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box:

  1. In Windows Explorer, create a new folder.
  2. In the SOLIDWORKS software, click Options Tool_Options_Standard.gif or Tools > Options.
  3. On the System Options tab, select File Locations.
  4. Select Document Templates in Show folders for.
  5. Click Add, browse to the folder you created in step 1, then click OK.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the change.
  7. Create a new template and, using Save As, browse to the folder you created in step 1 and save the new template.
    After you save a template to the new folder, a tab with the name of the folder appears in the advanced version of the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box.