Mate PropertyManager You add or edit mates in the Mate PropertyManager. You can also assign mate properties for use in SOLIDWORKS Motion and SOLIDWORKS Simulation analysis. Contents Mate PropertyManager - Mates Tab You add or edit mates on the Mates tab of the Mate PropertyManager. Allowing Misaligned Concentric Mates If you have components with two holes, you can mate those components even when the holes are not the same distance apart. Mate Alignment You can set the alignment condition of standard and advanced mates in the Mate PropertyManager. Mate PropertyManager - Analysis Tab You can assign mate properties for use in SOLIDWORKS Motion and SOLIDWORKS Simulation analysis. You can add the properties without having SOLIDWORKS Motion or SOLIDWORKS Simulation added in. Example: Load Bearing Faces In this example, the load on a hinge assembly is borne by several faces. Pinning the Mate PropertyManager Clicking in the Mate PropertyManager saves your mate specification and closes the PropertyManager, unless you pin the PropertyManager open. Parent topicMates Related tasks Slot Mates