Symmetry Mate

A symmetry mate forces two similar entities to be symmetric about a plane or planar face of a component or a plane of the assembly.

The following entities are allowed in symmetry mates:
  • Points such as vertices or sketch points
  • Lines such as edges, axes, or sketch lines
  • Planes or planar faces
  • Spheres of equal radii
  • Cylinders of equal radii
Please note the following items about symmetry mates:
  • Symmetry mates do not mirror the entire component about the plane of symmetry.
  • Symmetry mates only relate the selected entities to one another.
In the illustration, the two highlighted faces are symmetric about the highlighted plane. Notice the two components are upside down with respect to one another. That is because the highlighted faces only are symmetric, not all of the faces of both components.

To add a symmetry mate:

  1. Click Mate (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Mate.
  2. Under Advanced Mates, click Symmetric .
  3. Under Mate Selections:
    1. Select the plane for Symmetry Plane.
    2. Click in Entities to Mate and then select the two entities to be symmetric.
  4. Click .