Group Properties You can view a property summary of all items of a particular type, such as all holes, all components, or all component instances of a particular component. Contents Annotation Group Properties Use the Annotation Properties panel to display a summary of all annotations. Component Group Properties Use the Component Properties panel to view a summary of all component instances. Filled Area Group Properties You can view a summary of all filled area properties. Hole Group Properties Use the Plated Holes Properties and Nonplated Holes Properties panels to view a summary of all holes. Outline Group Properties You can view outline properties, such as component keep-out properties. Pad Group Properties You can view a summary of all pads properties. Trace Group Properties You can view a summary of all trace properties. Layer Group Properties You can view aggregated layer group properties from the Layer Properties panel. Via Group Properties Vias form the vertical electrical connections between different layers in a circuit board. You can view via group properties. Parent topicProperties Related concepts Item Properties Related tasks Viewing and Editing Properties Specifying Component Heights