Viewing and Editing Properties You can view, and in most cases edit, feature properties. To view or edit properties: From the tree view, navigate to and select the item whose properties you want to view or edit. CircuitWorks highlights the features corresponding to your selection in the preview image. Right-click the item and select Properties. From the Properties panel (right side of the application), view and optionally change properties. Read-only properties are shaded gray. You can also edit reference designators by clicking a component instance in the CircuitWorks tree twice (slow double-click), typing a new designator, and pressing Enter. Do one of the following:Click to save your changes. Click to cancel your changes.A screen message asks if you want to save changes you have made. Click No to confirm the cancellation or Yes to save the changes. Parent topicProperties Related concepts Item Properties Group Properties Related tasks Specifying Component Heights Viewing and Editing ECAD Properties from SOLIDWORKS Related reference Filter or Properties Panel