DimXpert Copy Tolerance Scheme PropertyManager

Use the Copy Tolerance Scheme tool to copy a DimXpert tolerance scheme from one configuration of a part to another configuration.

Copied schemes are not synchronized with the Source configuration. Making changes to one scheme has no affect on the other.

To copy a tolerance scheme:

  1. Open a part with multiple configurations.
  2. In the ConfigurationManager , select the configuration to which to copy the tolerance scheme.
  3. Do one of the following to open the Copy Tolerance Scheme PropertyManager:
    • In the DimXpertManager , click Copy Scheme .
    • Click Copy Scheme (DimXpert toolbar).
    • Click Tools > DimXpert > Copy Scheme.
  4. Set the Scheme Properties:
    Scheme Name DimXpert automatically enters a name (Copy of source configuration name, which you can modify.
    Description (optional)
    Comment (optional)
    Source configuration Select the configuration with the tolerance scheme to copy.
  5. Click PM_OK.gif.
    The tolerance scheme appears in the DimXpertManager for the configuration. The tolerance scheme name appears next to the part name at the top of the tree.