Distance Mates to Cylindrical Components

When you add a distance mate between two cylindrical faces, four options are available.

The options are also available when you add a distance mate between a cylindrical face and an axis, edge, line, vertex, point, or plane. Initially, the default option is Center to Center.

The distance placement options include the following:

Center to Center Applies the distance between the cylinder axes.

Minimum Distance Applies the distance where the cylinders are closest to each other.

Maximum Distance Applies the distance where the cylinders are farthest from each other. This option is not available if the distance is less than the sum of the radii of both cylinders.

Custom Distance Applies the distance to the combination of conditions you select. Specify a condition for each cylinder:
  • Center
  • Min
  • Max
For example, you can select Center for the cylinder on the left and Min for the cylinder on the right.

The lower limit for the applied distance is calculated based on the selected options.

Max and Center The applied distance has a lower limit that is equal to the radius of the cylinder that has Max selected.
Max and Min The applied distance has a lower limit that is equal to one of the following radii:
  • Max radius minus the Min radius if the Max radius is greater than the Min radius
  • Min radius