Trend Tracker Gallery

The Trend Tracker gallery captures certain displacement and stress plots for the baseline (iteration 1) and subsequent iterations.

To include a plot in the gallery, first add the plot to the Results folder. This plot appears in the gallery when you create the next iteration.

The default name of a gallery image is: modelname-studyname-plotname-iterationname. The default folder for the gallery images is: resultsfolder\Gallery.

The gallery supports:

  • VON: von Mises stress
  • P1: 1st principal stress
  • P3: 3rd principal stress
  • URES: Resultant displacement
  • UX: Displacement (X direction)
  • UY: Displacement (Y direction)
  • UZ: Displacement (Z direction)

To view images in the gallery:

Right-click Trend Tracker in the Simulation study tree and select View Gallery.