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ICustomData Interface

Allows access to custom data.

.NET Syntax

Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Interface ICustomData 
public interface ICustomData 
Object dsCustomData
COM native C++ 
interface ICustomData
class dsCustomData



Custom data is non-graphical information that you can add to an entity in a drawing to supplement the data available via the entity's interface.

Custom data is made up of:

  • Markers, which are stored as integers and which help identify the data type of the custom data. Valid values for markers are shown in the following table.
  • Data, which are variable data types such as strings, doubles, integers, etc.

Marker Data Data type
1000 Text String
1003 Layer name String
1004 Binary chunk Variable-length binary array; maximum of 127 bytes
1005 Handle of an entity String
1010 1013 Point Three numbers
1020  1059 Double Double
1060  1070 Integer Signed 16-bit integer, also called Int16
1071 Integer Signed 32-bit integer, also called Int32

Custom data is stored in an entity using markers.

Because multiple applications can add custom data to an entity, use unique names to differentiate your custom data from that of other applications. Custom data names are stored in a drawing document's list of registered applications, which you can search to determine a unique name for your custom data.

After determining a unique name for your custom data, use an entity's:

  • GetCustomData method to create the entity's CustomData object. Use the ICustomData methods to add data to the entity's CustomData object.
  • SetCustomData method to change an entity's CustomData object.
  • DeleteCustomData method to delete an entity's CustomData object.
  • Handle property to get the entity's CustomData object's handle. Because entities can reference other entities by saving the handles of other entities in their custom data, handles do not have to be unique.


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