Allows access to a selected entity.
This code snippet shows how to write the names, captions, and values of the selected objects to a file.
COM native C++
long selCount = dsSelManager->GetSelectedObjectCount( dsSelectionSetType_Current );
strPrint.Format( L"Selected objects: (%d):\r\n", selCount );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
if( selCount > 0 )
for( long i = 0; i < selCount; ++i )
//Get selected object type
dsObjectType_e retObjType;
IDispatchPtr selObj = dsSelManager->GetSelectedObject( dsSelectionSetType_Current, i, &retObjType );
//If selected object is Block instance
if( dsBlockInstanceType == retObjType )
IBlockInstancePtr blkIns( selObj );
//Get Block definition name and write it to output file
bstr_t blockName = blkIns->GetBlockDefinition()->GetName();
strPrint.Format( L"Instance of (%s) block definition\r\n", blockName.operator const wchar_t*() );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
//If selected object is BlockAttribute definition
if( dsAttributeDefinitionType == retObjType )
IAttributeDefinitionPtr AttDefs( selObj );
//Get BlockAttribute definition name
bstr_t AttDefName = AttDefs->GetName();
strPrint.Format( L"Attribute definition (%s) \r\n", AttDefName.operator const wchar_t*() );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
//Get BlockAttribute definition caption
bstr_t AttDefCaption = AttDefs->GetCaption();
strPrint.Format( L"\tCaption: %s\r\n", AttDefCaption.operator const wchar_t*() );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
strPrint.Format( L"\tName: %s\r\n", AttDefName.operator const wchar_t*() );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );
//Get BlockAttribute definition value
bstr_t AttDefValue = AttDefs->GetValue();
strPrint.Format( L"\tValue: %s\r\n", AttDefValue.operator const wchar_t*() );
fileOutput.WriteString( strPrint );