Public Interface ICenterMark
Dim instance As ICenterMark
public interface ICenterMark
public interface class ICenterMark
Center marks are now annotations. Previously, center marks were features.
Use ICenterMark::GetAnnotation to access the IAnnotation APIs. If you use ISelectionMgr::GetSelectedObject6 or ISelectionMgr::GetSelectedObjectType3 to retrieve center marks, then these values are returned:
swSelCENTERMARKSSYMS = 100 for the center marks that are annotations
swSelCENTERMARKS = 28 for the center marks that are features
Both methods retrieve the ICenterMark object.
Traverse center marks that are annotations
IView::GetFirstAnnotation3, IAnnotation::GetNext3 or IView::GetFirstCenterMark, and ICenterMark::GetNext
Retrieve center marks that are features
IView::GetCenterMarkCount2 and IView::GetCenterMarks
Center marks are displayed using the document's default display attribute settings. If you want the setting to be local to this symbol, then set the ICenterMark::UseDocDisplaySettings property to false and modify the ICenterMark::ShowLines, ICenterMark::Size, and ICenterMark::CenterLineFont properties as needed.
A center mark set is a linear or circular pattern.
ICenterMark::GetNext Method
IDrawingDoc::InsertCenterMark3 Method
IView::GetCenterMarks and IView::IGetCenterMarks Method
IView::GetFirstCenterMark Method
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