| Name | Description |
 | AddComment | Adds a comment to this feature. |
 | AddPropertyExtension | Adds a property extension to this feature. |
 | DeSelect | Deselects this feature. |
 | EnumDisplayDimensions | This method returns a display dimensions enumeration for this feature. |
 | GetAffectedFaceCount | Gets the number of faces modified by a feature, such as a draft feature. |
 | GetAffectedFaces | Gets the faces modified by a feature, such as a draft feature. |
 | GetBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatures::GetFaces, IFeatures::IGetFaces2, IFace2::GetBody, and IFace2::IGetBody. |
 | GetBox | Gets the bounding box for this feature. |
 | GetChildren | Gets the child features belonging to this feature. |
 | GetCreatedVersion | Gets the SOLIDWORKS version number in which the selected feature was created. |
 | GetDefinition | Gets the feature data object for a feature, such as an advanced mate, extrusion, loft, fillet, chamfer, etc., in order to access the parameters that control the definition of this feature. |
 | GetDisplayDimension | Gets the display dimension object for the specified pattern property. |
 | GetEditStatus | Gets whether the feature can currently be edited. |
 | GetErrorCode | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::GetErrorCode2. |
 | GetErrorCode2 | Gets the error code for this feature. |
 | GetFaceCount | Gets the number of faces in this feature. |
 | GetFaces | Gets the faces in this feature. |
 | GetFirstDisplayDimension | Provides access to the dimensions that belong to this feature by returning the first display dimension associated with this feature. |
 | GetFirstSubFeature | Gets the first sub-feature that belongs to this feature. |
 | GetID | Gets the feature ID of this feature. |
 | GetImportedFileName | Gets the file name from an imported feature. |
 | GetMaterialIdName | Gets the material name. |
 | GetMaterialPropertyValues | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::GetMaterialPropertyValues2. |
 | GetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Gets the material property values for this feature in the specified configurations. |
 | GetMaterialUserName | Gets the material name for this feature, which is visible to the user. |
 | GetModifiedVersion | Gets the SOLIDWORKS version number in which this feature was last modified. |
 | GetNameForSelection | Gets the selected feature's type and name. |
 | GetNextDisplayDimension | Gets the next display dimension associated with this feature. |
 | GetNextFeature | Gets the next feature in the part. |
 | GetNextSubFeature | Gets the next sub-feature from the owner of this sub-feature. |
 | GetOwnerFeature | Gets the feature that owns this feature. |
 | GetParents | Gets the parent features for this feature. |
 | GetPropertyExtension | Gets the property extension on this feature. |
 | GetSpecificFeature | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::GetSpecificFeature2. |
 | GetSpecificFeature2 | Gets the more specific interface to a selected feature. |
 | GetTexture | Gets the texture applied to this feature in the specified configuration. |
 | GetTypeName | Gets the type of feature.
NOTE: To get the underlying type of feature of an Instant3D feature (i.e., "ICE"), call this method; otherwise, call IFeature::GetTypeName2. |
 | GetTypeName2 | Gets the type of feature.
NOTE: To get the underlying type of feature of an Instant3D feature (i.e., "ICE"), call IFeature::GetTypeName; otherwise, call this method. |
 | GetUIState | Gets the user-interface state of the current feature. |
 | GetUpdateStamp | Gets the current update stamp for this feature. |
 | HasFrozenUpdatePending | Gets whether this feature has pending freeze updates. |
 | HasMaterialPropertyValues | Gets whether this feature has an appearance. |
 | IGetAffectedFaces | Gets the faces modified by a feature, such as a draft feature. |
 | IGetBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatures::GetFaces, IFeatures::IGetFaces2, IFace2::GetBody, and IFace2::IGetBody. |
 | IGetBody2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatures::GetFaces, IFeatures::IGetFaces2, IFace2::GetBody, and IFace2::IGetBody. |
 | IGetBox | Gets the bounding box for this feature. |
 | IGetChildCount | Gets the number of child features that belong to this feature. |
 | IGetChildren | Gets the child features belonging to this feature. |
 | IGetDefinition | Gets the feature data object for a feature, such as an extrusion, loft, fillet, chamfer, etc., in order to access the parameters that control the definition of this feature. |
 | IGetFaces | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::IGetFaces2. |
 | IGetFaces2 | Gets the faces in this feature. |
 | IGetFirstSubFeature | Gets the first sub-feature that belongs to this feature. |
 | IGetMaterialPropertyValues | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::IGetMaterialPropertyValues2. |
 | IGetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Gets the material property values for this feature in the specified configurations. |
 | IGetNextFeature | Gets the next feature. |
 | IGetNextSubFeature | Gets the next sub-feature from the owner of this sub-feature. |
 | IGetParentCount | Gets the number of parent features for this feature. |
 | IGetParents | Gets the parent features for this feature. |
 | IGetSpecificFeature | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::GetSpecificFeature2. |
 | IIsSuppressed2 | Gets whether the feature in the specified configurations is suppressed. |
 | IListExternalFileReferences | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::IListExternalFileReferences2. |
 | IListExternalFileReferences2 | Gets the names and statuses of the external references for the feature in a part or assembly. |
 | IModifyDefinition | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::IModifyDefinition2. |
 | IModifyDefinition2 | Updates the definition of a feature with the new values in an associated feature data object obtained with IFeature::IGetDefinition. |
 | IParameter | Gets a pointer to the object for the specified parameter or a pointer to the specified parameter. |
 | IRemoveMaterialProperty2 | Removes material property values from this feature. |
 | IsBase | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::IsBase2. |
 | IsBase2 | Gets whether this feature is a base feature. |
 | IsDimXpertAnnotation | Gets whether this feature is a DimXpert annotation. |
 | IsDimXpertFeature | Gets whether this feature is a DimXpert feature. |
 | ISetBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::ISetBody3. |
 | ISetBody2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::ISetBody3. |
 | ISetBody3 | Replaces the body of the base feature. |
 | ISetMaterialPropertyValues | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::ISetMaterialPropertyValues2. |
 | ISetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Sets the material property values for this feature in the specified configurations. |
 | ISetSuppression2 | Sets the suppression state of this feature. |
 | IsFrozen | Gets whether this feature is frozen. |
 | IsHiddenLock | Gets whether this feature is the freeze bar. |
 | IsRolledBack | Gets whether this feature is rolled back. |
 | IsSuppressed | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::IsSuppressed2. |
 | IsSuppressed2 | Gets whether the feature in the specified configurations is suppressed. |
 | ListExternalFileReferences | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::ListExternalFileReferences2. |
 | ListExternalFileReferences2 | Gets the names and statuses of the external references on the feature in a part or assembly. |
 | ListExternalFileReferencesCount | Gets the number of external references on the feature in a part or assembly. |
 | MakeSubFeature | Makes a feature become a subfeature of this feature. |
 | ModifyDefinition | Updates the definition of a feature with the new values in an associated feature data object obtained with IFeature::GetDefinition. |
 | MoveFreezeBarTo | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::MoveFreezeBarTo2. |
 | MoveFreezeBarTo2 | Moves the freeze bar to the specified location in the FeatureManager design tree. |
 | Parameter | Gets a pointer to the object for the specified parameter or a pointer to the specified parameter. |
 | RemoveMaterialProperty | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::RemoveMaterialProperty2. |
 | RemoveMaterialProperty2 | Removes material property values from this feature. |
 | RemoveTexture | Removes texture from this feature in either all of the configurations or only the specified configuration. |
 | RemoveTextureByDisplayState | Removes texture from this feature in the specified display state. |
 | ResetPropertyExtension | Deletes the property extension for this feature. |
 | Select | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::Select2. |
 | Select2 | Selects and marks this feature. |
 | SelectByMark | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::Select2. |
 | SetBodiesToKeep | Set the bodies to keep and their configurations for features that create multiple bodies in parts and assemblies. |
 | SetBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::SetBody2. |
 | SetBody2 | Replaces an imported base feature body. |
 | SetImportedFileName | Sets the file name of an imported feature. |
 | SetMaterialIdName | Sets the material name for this feature. |
 | SetMaterialPropertyValues | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::SetMaterialPropertyValues2. |
 | SetMaterialPropertyValues2 | Sets the material property values for this feature in the specified configurations. |
 | SetMaterialUserName | Sets the material user name for this feature, which is visible to the user. |
 | SetSuppression | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeature::SetSuppression2. |
 | SetSuppression2 | Sets the suppression state of this feature. |
 | SetTexture | Applies texture to this feature in either all configurations or only the specified configuration. |
 | SetTextureByDisplayState | Applies texture to this feature in the specified display state. |
 | SetUIState | Sets the user-interface state of the current feature. |
 | UpdateExternalFileReferences | Updates the external file references on this model. |