| Name | Description |
| ActivateDoc | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::ActivateDoc2 and ISldWorks::IActivateDoc3. |
| ActivateDoc2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::ActivateDoc3. |
| ActivateDoc3 | Activates a loaded document and rebuilds it as specified. |
| ActivateTaskPane | Activates the specified task pane. |
| AddCallback | Registers a general purpose callback handler. |
| AddFileOpenItem | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddFileOpenItem3. |
| AddFileOpenItem2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddFileOpenItem3. |
| AddFileOpenItem3 | Adds file types to the File > Open dialog box. |
| AddFileSaveAsItem | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddFileSaveAsItem2. |
| AddFileSaveAsItem2 | Adds a file type to the SOLIDWORKS File > Save As dialog box. |
| AddItemToThirdPartyPopupMenu | Adds menu items to a pop-up (shortcut) menu in a C++ SOLIDWORKS add-in. |
| AddItemToThirdPartyPopupMenu2 | Adds menu items to a pop-up (shortcut) menu in a SOLIDWORKS add-in. |
| AddMenu | Adds a menu item to a SOLIDWORKS menu for DLL applications. |
| AddMenuItem | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddMenuItem3. |
| AddMenuItem2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddMenuItem3. |
| AddMenuItem3 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddMenuItem4. |
| AddMenuItem4 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddMenuItem5. |
| AddMenuItem5 | Adds a menu item and image to the SOLIDWORKS user interface. |
| AddMenuPopupItem | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddMenuPopupItem2. |
| AddMenuPopupItem2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddMenuPopupItem3 and ISldWorks::AddMenuPopupItem4. |
| AddMenuPopupItem3 | Adds a menu item with zero or more submenus to shortcut menus of entities of the specified type in documents of the specified type. |
| AddMenuPopupItem4 | Adds a menu item with zero or more submenus to shortcut menus of features of the specified type in documents of the specified type. |
| AddToolbar | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddToolbar4. |
| AddToolbar2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddToolbar4. |
| AddToolbar3 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddToolbar4. |
| AddToolbar4 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddToolbar5. |
| AddToolbar5 | Creates a Windows-style dockable toolbar. |
| AddToolbarCommand | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::AddToolbarCommand2. |
| AddToolbarCommand2 | Specifies the application functions to call when a toolbar button is clicked or sets a separator. |
| AllowFailedFeatureCreation | Sets whether to allow the creation of a feature that has rebuild errors. |
| ArrangeIcons | Arranges the icons in SOLIDWORKS. |
| ArrangeWindows | Arranges the open windows in SOLIDWORKS. |
| BlockSkinning | Blocks skinning a window, which prevents a window from looking like a SOLIDWORKS window. |
| CallBack | Allows an out-of-process executable or a SOLIDWORKS macro to call back a function in a SOLIDWORKS add-in DLL. |
| CheckpointConvertedDocument | Saves the specified open document if its version is older than the version of the SOLIDWORKS product being used. |
| CloseAllDocuments | Closes all open documents in the SOLIDWORKS session. |
| CloseAndReopen | Closes and reopens the specified drawing document without unloading its references from memory. |
| CloseDoc | Closes the specified document. |
| Command | Opens the specified dialog or file. |
| CopyAppearance | Copies the appearance of the specified entity to the clipboard. |
| CopyDocument | Copies a document and optionally updates references to it. |
| CreateNewWindow | Creates a client window containing the active document. |
| CreatePropertyManagerPage | Creates a PropertyManager page. |
| CreateTaskpaneView | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldworks::CreateTaskpaneView2. |
| CreateTaskpaneView2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldworks::CreateTaskpaneView3. |
| CreateTaskpaneView3 | Creates an application-level Task Pane view. |
| DateCode | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::RevisionNumber. |
| DefineAttribute | Creates an attribute definition, which is the first step in generating attributes. |
| DisplayStatusBar | Sets whether to display the status bar. |
| DocumentVisible | Allows the application to control the display of a document in a window upon creation or retrieval. |
| DragToolbarButton | Copies the specified toolbar button from the specified native SOLIDWORKS toolbar or ICommandGroup toolbar to the specified native SOLIDWORKS toolbar or ICommandGroup toolbar. |
| DragToolbarButtonFromCommandID | Copies a button to a toolbar using a command ID. |
| EnablePhotoWorksProgressiveRender | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| EnableStereoDisplay | Obsolete and not superseded. Functionality no longer implemented. |
| EnumDocuments | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::EnumDocuments2. |
| EnumDocuments2 | Gets a list of documents currently open in the application. |
| ExitApp | Shuts down SOLIDWORKS. |
| ExportHoleWizardItem | Exports data for the specified Hole Wizard standard. |
| ExportToolboxItem | Exports data for the specified Toolbox standard. |
| Frame | Gets the SOLIDWORKS main frame. |
| GetActiveConfigurationName | Gets the name of the active configuration in the specified SOLIDWORKS document. |
| GetAddInObject | Gets an add-in object for the specified SOLIDWORKS add-in. |
| GetApplySelectionFilter | Gets the current state of the selection filter. |
| GetBuildNumbers | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::GetBuildNumbers2. |
| GetBuildNumbers2 | Gets the build, major revision, and hot fix numbers of the SOLIDWORKS application. |
| GetButtonPosition | Gets the center coordinates of the specified SOLIDWORKS toolbar button. |
| GetCollisionDetectionManager | Gets the collision detection manager. |
| GetColorTable | Gets a color table from the SOLIDWORKS application. |
| GetCommandID | Gets the SOLIDWORKS command ID for an instance of an add-in's control (e.g., an add-in's toolbar button). |
| GetCommandManager | Gets the CommandManager for the specified add-in. |
| GetConfigurationCount | Gets the number of configurations in the SOLIDWORKS document, whether the document is opened or closed. |
| GetConfigurationNames | Gets the names of the configuration in this SOLIDWORKS document, whether the document is opened or closed. |
| GetCurrentFileUser | Gets the name of the user who has the the specified document open. |
| GetCurrentLanguage | Gets the current language used by SOLIDWORKS. |
| GetCurrentLicenseType | Gets the type of license for the current SOLIDWORKS session. |
| GetCurrentMacroPathFolder | Gets the name of the folder where the macro resides. |
| GetCurrentMacroPathName | Gets the path name for the macro currently running. |
| GetCurrentWorkingDirectory | Gets the current working directory being used by the SOLIDWORKS application. |
| GetDataFolder | Gets the data directory name currently used by SOLIDWORKS. |
| GetDocumentCount | Gets the number of open documents in the current SOLIDWORKS session. |
| GetDocumentDependencies | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::GetDocumentDependencies2. |
| GetDocumentDependencies2 | Gets all of the model dependencies for a document. |
| GetDocumentDependenciesCount | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::IGetDocumentDependenciesCount2. |
| GetDocuments | Gets the open documents in this SOLIDWORKS session. |
| GetDocumentTemplate | Gets the name of document template that can be used in ISldWorks::NewDocument or ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| GetDocumentVisible | Gets the visibility of the document to open. |
| GetEnvironment | Gets the IEnvironment object. |
| GetErrorMessages | Gets the last 20 messages issued by SOLIDWORKS in the current SOLIDWORKS session. |
| GetExecutablePath | Gets the path to the SOLIDWORKS executable, sldworks.exe. |
| GetExportFileData | Gets the data interface for the specified file type to which to export one or more drawing sheets. |
| GetFirstDocument | Gets the document opened first in this SOLIDWORKS session. |
| GetHoleStandardsData | Gets the hole standards for the specified hole type. |
| GetImageSize | Gets:
- small, medium, and large image sizes suitable for the current DPI setting of the display device.
- default image size for the current DPI setting of the display device for images that are not based on the SOLIDWORKS icon size setting.
| GetImportFileData | Gets the DXF/DWG, IGES, or STEP import data for the specified file. |
| GetInterfaceBrightnessThemeColors | Gets the theme and colors of the SOLIDWORKS background. |
| GetLastSaveError | Gets the last save error issued by Microsoft in the current session. |
| GetLastToolbarID | Gets the ID of the last toolbar added to the CommandManager. |
| GetLatestSupportedFileVersion | Gets the version number that this instance of SOLIDWORKS reads and writes. |
| GetLineStyles | Gets all of the line styles in the specified file. |
| GetLocalizedMenuName | Gets a localized menu name for the specified menu ID. |
| GetMacroMethods | Gets the names of the modules in the specified macro. |
| GetMassProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::GetMassProperties2 and ISldWorks::IGetMassProperties2. |
| GetMassProperties2 | Gets the mass properties from the specified document for the specified configuration. |
| GetMaterialDatabaseCount | Gets the number of material databases. |
| GetMaterialDatabases | Gets the names of the material databases. |
| GetMaterialSchemaPathName | Gets the path for the XML material schema file. |
| GetMathUtility | Gets IMathUtility. |
| GetMenuStrings | Gets the name of the parent menu of the specified menu command. |
| GetModeler | Gets the IModeler interface. |
| GetMouseDragMode | Gets whether the specified command-mouse mode is in effect. |
| GetOpenDocSpec | Gets the specifications to use when opening a model document. |
| GetOpenDocument | Gets the open document with the specified name. |
| GetOpenDocumentByName | Gets the open document with the specified name. |
| GetOpenedFileInfo | Gets the name of the last model successfully opened by SOLIDWORKS and the options that were in effect when it opened. |
| GetOpenFileName | Prompts the user for the name of the file to open. |
| GetPreviewBitmap | Gets the preview bitmap (.bmp) for the specified configuration, regardless if the SOLIDWORKS document is open or closed. |
| GetPreviewBitmapFile | Gets the specified preview bitmap of a document and saves it as a Windows bitmap file (.bmp) using the specified filename. |
| GetProcessID | Gets the process ID for the current SOLIDWORKS session. |
| GetRayTraceRenderer | Get a ray-trace rendering engine, such as PhotoView 360. |
| GetRecentFiles | Gets a list of the most recently used files. |
| GetRoutingSettings | Gets routing settings. |
| GetRunningCommandInfo | Get a command's ID or PropertyManager page's command ID, title, and whether it is active in the user-interface. |
| GetSafeArrayUtility | Gets the ISafeArrayUtility object. |
| GetSearchFolders | Gets the current folder search path as shown in Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations > Show folders for > Referenced Documents. |
| GetSelectionFilter | Gets the current selection filter settings for the specified item type. |
| GetSelectionFilters | Gets all active selection filters. |
| GetSSOFormattedURL | Formats the specified URL for single sign-on. |
| GetTemplateSizes | Gets the sheet properties from a template document. |
| GetToolbarDock | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::GetToolbarDock2. |
| GetToolbarDock2 | Gets the docking state of the toolbar. |
| GetToolbarState | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::GetToolbarState2. |
| GetToolbarState2 | Gets the state of the toolbar. |
| GetToolbarVisibility | Gets whether this toolbar is visible. |
| GetUserPreferenceDoubleValue | Gets system default user preference values. |
| GetUserPreferenceIntegerValue | Gets system default user preference values. |
| GetUserPreferenceStringListValue | Gets the name of the DXF mapping file. |
| GetUserPreferenceStringValue | Gets system default user preference values. |
| GetUserPreferenceToggle | Gets document default user preference values. |
| GetUserProgressBar | Gets a progress indicator. |
| GetUserTypeLibReferenceCount | Gets the number of user-specified type library references. |
| GetUserUnit | Gets an empty IUserUnit object of the specified type. |
| HideBubbleTooltip | Hides the bubble ToolTip displayed by ISldWorks::ShowBubbleTooltipAt2. |
| HideToolbar | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::HideToolbar2. |
| HideToolbar2 | Hides a toolbar created with ISldWorks::AddToolbar5. |
| IActivateDoc | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::ActivateDoc2 and ISldWorks::IActivateDoc3. |
| IActivateDoc2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::ActivateDoc2 and ISldWorks::IActivateDoc3. |
| IActivateDoc3 | Activates a document that has already been loaded. This file becomes the active document, and this method returns a pointer to that document object. |
| ICopyDocument | Copies a document and optionally updates references to it. |
| ICreatePropertyManagerPage | Creates a PropertyManager page. |
| IDefineAttribute | Creates an attribute definition, which is the first step in generating attributes. |
| IEnableStereoDisplay | Obsolete and not superseded. Functionality no longer implemented. |
| IGetColorTable | Gets a color table from the SOLIDWORKS application. |
| IGetConfigurationNames | Gets the names of the configuration in this SOLIDWORKS document, whether the document is opened or closed. |
| IGetDocumentDependencies | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::IGetDocumentDependencies2. |
| IGetDocumentDependencies2 | Gets all of the model dependencies for a document. |
| IGetDocumentDependenciesCount2 | Gets the size of the array needed for a call to ISldWorks::IGetDocumetnDependencies2. |
| IGetDocuments | Gets the open documents is this SOLIDWORKS session. |
| IGetEnvironment | Gets the IEnvironment object. |
| IGetFirstDocument | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::IGetFirstDocument2. |
| IGetFirstDocument2 | Gets the document opened first in this SOLIDWORKS session. |
| IGetMassProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::GetMassProperties2 and ISldWorks::IGetMassProperties2. |
| IGetMassProperties2 | Gets the mass properties from the specified document for the specified configuration. |
| IGetMaterialDatabases | Gets the names of the material databases. |
| IGetMathUtility | Gets the IMathUtility interface. |
| IGetModeler | Gets the IModeler interface. |
| IGetOpenDocumentByName | Obsolete. Superseded ISldWorks::IGetOpenDocumentByName2. |
| IGetOpenDocumentByName2 | Gets the open document with the specified name. |
| IGetRayTraceRenderer | Get a ray-trace rendering engine. |
| IGetSelectionFilters | Gets all active selection filters. |
| IGetSelectionFiltersCount | Gets the number of active selection filters. |
| IGetTemplateSizes | Gets the sheet properties from a template document. |
| IGetUserTypeLibReferences | Gets the specified user-specified type library references. |
| IGetUserUnit | Gets an empty IUserUnit object of the specified type. |
| IGetVersionHistoryCount | Gets the size of the array required to hold data returned by ISldWorks::IVersionHistory. |
| IMoveDocument | Moves a document and optionally updates references to it. |
| ImportHoleWizardItem | Imports data for the specified Hole Wizard standard. |
| ImportToolboxItem | Imports data for the specified Toolbox standard. |
| INewAssembly | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| INewDocument | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| INewDocument2 | Creates a new document based on the specified template. |
| INewDrawing | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| INewDrawing2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| INewPart | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| InstallQuickTipGuide | Implements your add-in's copy of the Quick Tips. |
| IOpenDoc | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| IOpenDoc2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| IOpenDoc3 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| IOpenDoc4 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| IOpenDoc5 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| IOpenDocSilent | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| IRemoveUserTypeLibReferences | Removes the user-specified type library references. |
| IsBackgroundProcessingCompleted | Gets whether SOLIDWORKS has finished background processing a drawing document that requires a lot of CPU time to open. |
| IsCommandEnabled | Gets whether the specified command is enabled. |
| ISetSelectionFilters | Sets the status for multiple selection filters. |
| ISetUserTypeLibReferences | Sets the user-specified type library references. |
| IsRapidDraft | Gets whether the specified drawing file is in SOLIDWORKS Detached format. |
| IsSame | Gets whether the two specified objects are the same object. |
| IVersionHistory | Gets a list of strings indicating the versions in which a model was saved. |
| LoadAddIn | Loads the specified add-in in SOLIDWORKS. |
| LoadFile | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::LoadFile4. |
| LoadFile2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::LoadFile4. |
| LoadFile3 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::LoadFile4. |
| LoadFile4 | Loads a non-native file (for example, *.igs, *.dxf, *.prt, *.sat, *.ipt, *.step) into a new model document in SOLIDWORKS. |
| MoveDocument | Moves a document and optionally updates references to it. |
| NewAssembly | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| NewDocument | Creates a new document based on the specified template. |
| NewDrawing | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| NewDrawing2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| NewPart | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::NewDocument and ISldWorks::INewDocument2. |
| OpenDoc | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| OpenDoc2 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| OpenDoc3 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| OpenDoc4 | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| OpenDoc6 | Opens an existing document and returns a pointer to the document object. |
| OpenDoc7 | Opens an existing document and returns a pointer to the document object. |
| OpenDocSilent | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| PasteAppearance | Applies to the specified entity an appearance that has been copied to the clipboard. |
| PostMessageToApplication | Posts a message to the application that invoked this method. |
| PostMessageToApplicationx64 | Posts a message to the application that invoked this method in 64-bit applications. |
| PreSelectDwgTemplateSize | Establishes which template to use when creating a drawing. |
| PresetNewDrawingParameters | Presets the drawing template and sheet size parameters to avoid showing the Sheet Format/Size dialog when creating a new drawing document in the user-interface. |
| PreviewDoc | Displays a preview of a document to the specified window. |
| PreviewDocx64 | Displays a preview of a document to the specified window in 64-bit applications. |
| QuitDoc | Closes the specified document without saving changes. |
| RecordLine | Adds a line of code to a VBA macro and the SOLIDWORKS journal file. |
| RecordLineCSharp | Adds a line of code to a C# macro and the SOLIDWORKS journal file. |
| RecordLineVBnet | Adds a line of code to a VB.NET macro and the SOLIDWORKS journal file. |
| RefreshQuickTipWindow | Tells the SOLIDWORKS application that your add-in's state has changed and triggers a query for the current URL page. |
| RefreshTaskpaneContent | Refreshes the view of the Design Library tab in the Task Pane. |
| RegisterThirdPartyPopupMenu | Registers a third-party pop-up (shortcut) menu. |
| RegisterTrackingDefinition | Registers a tracking definition. |
| RemoveCallback | Unregisters a general purpose callback handler. |
| RemoveFileOpenItem | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::RemoveFileOpenItem2. |
| RemoveFileOpenItem2 | Removes a file type from the File > Open dialog box that was added using ISldWorks::AddFileOpenItem3. |
| RemoveFileSaveAsItem | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::RemoveFileSaveAsItem2. |
| RemoveFileSaveAsItem2 | Removes a file type from the File > Save As dialog box that was added using ISldWorks::AddFileSaveAsItem2. |
| RemoveFromMenu | Removes:
| RemoveFromPopupMenu | Removes the specified menu item from one or all specified context-sensitive menus (also called shortcut menus and pop-up menus) for the specified document types. |
| RemoveItemFromThirdPartyPopupMenu | Removes a menu item and icon from a third-party pop-up (shortcut) menu. |
| RemoveMenu | Removes a menu item from the specified document frame. |
| RemoveMenuPopupItem | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::RemoveMenuPopupItem2. |
| RemoveMenuPopupItem2 | Removes an item on a pop-up (shortcut) menu. |
| RemoveToolbar | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::RemoveToobar2. |
| RemoveToolbar2 | Removes a toolbar created with ISldWorks::AddToolbar5. |
| RemoveUserMenu | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::RemoveMenu. |
| RemoveUserTypeLibReferences | Removes the user-specified type library references. |
| ReplaceReferencedDocument | Replaces a referenced document. |
| ResetPresetDrawingParameters | Resets SOLIDWORKS back to its default behavior after calling ISldWorks::PresetNewDrawingParameters (i.e., display Sheet Format/Size dialog when opening a new drawing document). |
| ResetUntitledCount | Resets the index of untitled documents. |
| RestoreSettings | Restores the specified SOLIDWORKS settings from the specified *.sldreg file. |
| ResumeSkinning | Resumes skinning windows. |
| RevisionNumber | Gets the version number of this SOLIDWORKS installation. |
| RunAttachedMacro | Runs the specified attached macro, module, and procedure. |
| RunCommand | Runs the specified SOLIDWORKS command. |
| RunJournalCmd | Do not use. |
| RunMacro | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::RunMacro2. |
| RunMacro2 | Runs a macro from a project file. |
| SaveSettings | Saves the specified SOLIDWORKS settings to the specified *.sldreg file. |
| SendMsgToUser | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::SendMsgToUser2. |
| SendMsgToUser2 | Displays a message box containing a message to the user, who is required to interact with it before continuing. |
| SetAddinCallbackInfo | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::SetAddinCallbackInfo2. |
| SetAddinCallbackInfo2 | Sets add-in callback commands. |
| SetApplySelectionFilter | Sets the current state of the selection filter. |
| SetCurrentWorkingDirectory | Sets the current working directory to be used by SOLIDWORKS. |
| SetMissingReferencePathName | Sets the missing reference file name. Use with the SOLIDWORKS event ReferenceNotFoundNotify. |
| SetMouseDragMode | Sets the command-mouse mode. |
| SetMultipleFilenamesPrompt | Sets the new filenames to open in response to the ISldWorks PromptForMultipleFileNamesNotify event. |
| SetNewFilename | Sets the name of the new SOLIDWORKS file. |
| SetPromptFilename | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::SetPromptFilename2. |
| SetPromptFilename2 | Sets the file to open in response to a SOLIDWORKS event. |
| SetSearchFolders | Sets the current folder search path as shown in Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations > Show folders for > Referenced Documents. |
| SetSelectionFilter | Sets the current selection filter values for the specified item type. |
| SetSelectionFilters | Sets the status for multiple selection filters. |
| SetThirdPartyPopupMenuState | Sets whether to show or hide a third-party popup (shortcut) menu. |
| SetToolbarDock | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::SetToolbarDock2. |
| SetToolbarDock2 | Sets the docking state of the toolbar. |
| SetToolbarVisibility | Sets whether the specified toolbar is visible. |
| SetUserPreferenceDoubleValue | Sets system default user preference values. |
| SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue | Sets system default user preference values. |
| SetUserPreferenceStringListValue | Sets the name of the DXF mapping files. |
| SetUserPreferenceStringValue | Sets system default user preference values. |
| SetUserPreferenceToggle | Sets system default user preference values. |
| ShowBubbleTooltip | Displays a bubble ToolTip and flashes the specified toolbar button. |
| ShowBubbleTooltipAt | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::ShowBubbleTooltipAt2. |
| ShowBubbleTooltipAt2 | Displays a bubble ToolTip at the specified location. |
| ShowHelp | Displays the specified Help topic. |
| ShowThirdPartyPopupMenu | Sets where to show a third-party pop-up (shortcut) menu. |
| ShowToolbar | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::ShowToolbar2. |
| ShowToolbar2 | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| SolidWorksExplorer | Starts SOLIDWORKS Explorer. |
| UnInstallQuickTipGuide | Uninstalls your add-in's Quick Tips |
| UnloadAddIn | Unloads the specified add-in from SOLIDWORKS. |
| VersionHistory | Gets a list of strings indicating the versions in which a model was saved. |