Entering Command Options
When running commands, in many cases you are prompted to specify options.
The selectable options are shown in the command window above the command prompt and on the shortcut menu.
In the command window, underlined capital letters indicate option hotkeys.
The PolyLine command displays options such as:
Arc, Halfwidth, Length, Undo, Width, Enter to exit
Arc, Close, Halfwidth, Length, Undo, Width, Enter to exit
ngle, CE
nter, CL
ose, D
irection, H
alfwidth, L
ine, R
adius, T
hrough point, U
ndo, W
idth, Enter to exit or
The EditPolyLine command displays options such as:
lose, D
ecurve, E
dit vertex, F
it, J
oin, L
inegen, S
pline, U
ndo, W
idth or e
nsert, M
ove, N
ext, P
revious, RE
gen, SP
lit, S
traighten, T
angent, W
idth or e
To enter command options:
- Type the option hotkey.
- or -
- Right-click and select an option from the shortcut menu.